Question about SLI

so I’m building a new budget desktop for myself and I want to run Dual Vid Cards

I have an SLI compatible mobo / Power Supply / and I want to run two of these VID cards

Anything else special I need?

and I know there are better vid cards out there but I’m on a budget and I think two of these would work fine for the games I want to play

should be all set. SLI rules, i have 2x quardo FX3400/4400’s in my rig. they get the job done…


I seen somewhere there is a little piece that connects the two graphics cards together Its shaped like " [ " and it connects the tops of the two cards ,is this just for more support? will it come with one of the cards or anything?

your good to go.

im running 2 gforce 6800gts in sli, very nice, they do get hot tho.

the only thing you may need is a bigger power supply. I’ve heard that the 6 series gforce cards were power hungry

edit: nm… saw that you got one

iirc you do need that piece, but your mobo should have included the SLI link

daves the one who originally built my computer, but like he said, im pretty sure it shave come with the mother board

I heard that Crossfire > SLI, but since you already got the SLI setup, go for it.


a budget sli box you say?


I highly suggest NOT going this route,the performance is quite poor for these cards,even in SLI.Even Midrange single cards destroy the 6600 SLI setup.

LOL @ crossfire being better than SLI.

I recently had this card…

It was amazing for $100,I only upgraded because I couldnt pass up a deal on a 7900gs.

word, yeah I think maybe I should just pick up one of those cards I read some things about it and then add another card later on :tup:

umm… yea… for video games … they are soo video card intensive… 80 dollar mobo 100 dollar processor… two 200 dollar vid cards… blah blah blah

In my honest opinion… if you’re going to shell out $$$ for a new vid card, get one that supports SM3.0 (which gives you the options of geforce 6-7 series, or ATi x1000 series)

edit: I bet you’d be content with one 7800… great card and a great runner IMO,1697,2009991,00.asp

You draw the conclusions, or just read the article.
(Year Old Article)

^^ ya know, not only that, but I remember reading that with a crossfire setup, you can run one card dedicated to physics, while the other will handle the GPU functions… not sure if the same is true with nvidia

ATI will never be as good as nvidia, plain and simple

thank you. i used to be a ATI fan boy, but i now know what a high end nvidia card(s) can do. nvidia + SLI FTMFW

well sure… when you go from a 9200 to a 7 series geforce :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know… even though I currently own a Nvidia, I still like ATi :shrug: they make good hardware IMO and in the past, have mopped the floor with nvidia… it’s always the natural progression of things (one builds a fast card, the other out does it, then the other out does that and so on)

yeah in the past like 10 years ago they mopped the floor.