Where can i get a mobile amplifier repaired?

I have a Memphis mc1500d that i bought from someone here a few months ago. Finally got around to hooking it up this weekend and the “prot” light comes on as soon as it turns on, even w/ no speakers connected to it. (the amp spent a few months in my garage and a few months banging around my truck, so i’m not questioning the seller)

Would this happen from a questionable ground? The ground Ohms out OK, but maybe it can’t handle the load…

The +12V is fine, i’m sure.

Other than that, what are my options to get it repaired?

hi-fi hospital on transit, if its still around?

atleast in the past, they have done shitty work. Try hitting up memphis and see what they can do to repair or replace. If not there are a few places you can ship it out too. Let me know if you want me to digg up the info.

lifetime service center?

Sponsor / vendor here. Located on Werhle. Dunno if they do car audio bits, but they’ve been great on other high end pieces.

could def be a bad ground, my amp did the same thing randomly until i tapped a new spot


i’m going to use jumpercables to run hook it up right to the battery and see if i still have the issue.

If there is no resistance to ground (measured @ the amp terminals), its prolly not a power issue.

If the Protection light it on it’s prolly an output issue.

Ihaven’t run Memphis in a long time, but in general IIRC, Prot is in case of clipping, overheating, or throughput failure.

I know, but it’s worth a shot. The prot light came on even before i hooked up the speakers.

The ground is MEH at best… Even if it ohms out OK, it may not have the current carry capacity required…

what ga. wiring? supply & ground?

If you’re not putting any current through the amp, current capacity of the ground isn’t going to matter very much. If you don’t have any load on it, and it’s going into protect, it’s the board 99/100.

I would bet big that it is the ground. I had the same thing happen with mine until I found another place for the ground.

Just jumped it to battery and it came on in normal power mode.

I hooked up the sub though and it’s QUIET.

This amp has a remote function, is there a chance that it was adjusted down, then removed? Will the gain control on the amp body always override it?

I have a kicker remote at home that i think would work, I’m going to try that…

Here’s another thought:
I adjusted the LPF down. At 80 and below there is NOTHING coming through the sub.

I have some wacky Harmon Kardon (sic?) system stock in the truck. I have a Line level converter hooked up to “left rear speaker” and “right rear speaker”… do you think there is a HP filter going to those speakers? the car has a sub stock, should i put the LLC on that in case there are filters elsewhere in the system?

Make sure you have a strong ground point, make sure that there is no paint or rust.

ground is good. See above, I ran it straight to the battery with jumper cables.

are your rear speakers mid-range or highs only by any chance? factory amp? stock premium audio systems always have funky stuff going on with them.

there are like 13 speakers in there. I’m not sure what they are. I think they are really small!

hmm, i bet theyre filtered then. I would try to find the factory amp and tap something before it, it could be doing all kinds of stuff. I had this issue with Bose and Monsoon systems, not to mention crazy ohmages on the speakers.

are you running one sub or two it kind of wierd the way it hooks up mono. if its dvc, you can hook up the coils separatley if you have pix on the way you have it wired i can help.

I just checked what speakers they are going to. I have my LLC on 2 1.5" tweeters in the rear gate. LOL. I have to guess there is a HPF on them.

I’ll look around and see if i can find somewhere else to hook my LLC to.

yea it sounds like you have the sub hooked up through hpf, find the low and hookit up. but the remote is useless, they are only for the people that need an extra knob to turn, i have been advised in the past to not use it at all, because you can smoke a coil through distortion. if IIRC the gain is optimum efficency at half and lp set at 120 ish but on that specific amp, the wiring for mono output is kind freaky. and it also depends on what output (ohms) the sub is wired for.

i’m going to hook it up to a full range speaker and report back…