Where do you stand on healthcare reform?

All I’ll say is that health care isn’t a right, it is a privilege.

Is our country at the point where everyone is at the point of being privileged? I’m not sure.


Health care, in the form of showing up for the ER for everything and then stiffing the hospital for the bill and making everyone else pay for it, is already a right. Sucks.
And people are still WAY misinformed about what this bill actually calls for. What is this “government involvement” you guys are speaking of, other than regulating private companies?

Like the way the Gov’t regulated Fannie and Freddy and the banks to give mortgages to underprivileged people. They deserve to own a home because home ownership is a right! Too long have the mortgages been given to only white people that make money, while us poor blacks are relegated to renting. Viva la communauté réemploi acte !!!

wait, wat?
Fannie and Freddie are government sponsored agencies. Blue Cross and Kaiser Permanente are not.

Who has control of the FDA?

Government does a good job…





Voted for the have coverage, approve with some change option.

I think a compromise that concedes some demands of the right would be nice. I don’t think that one party being able to ram through whatever they want without any input from the other side is healthy for our country (I believed this same thing back when the right had similar control). It is funny to me, however, that the left was unable to do this before losing their super-majority…seems like someone needs to warm up their pimp-hand on that side of the aisle…

In any event, this guy is about to become a household name.

Senate Parliamentarian Alan Frumin May Become Household Name Soon
If President Obama soon announces that he wants to go forward on the health-insurance bill using reconciliation, as expected, then the Senate parliamentarian, Alan Frumin, will find himself in the crosshairs. Any bill passed by reconciliation must pass a strict test (basically that it has a major impact on the federal budget) and the bill passed by the Senate would never pass muster. For this reason, the most likely strategy for the Democrats is to get the House to pass the Senate bill intact, have Obama sign it into law, and then pass a sidecar bill via reconciliation. If this route is followed, then Frumin has to rule on whether the sidecar bill is allowed, which will thrust him into the spotlight. Here is some background on him and his job. However, it is important to understand that Frumin’s role is entirely advisory. The final decision on what is acceptable is made by the presiding officer of the Senate–Vice President Joe Biden. Any senator may to object to a ruling Biden makes, in which case there is a straight up-or-down vote on whether to sustain or overturn the ruling. It is inconceivable that nine Democrats would vote to overrule him, so in practice, Biden’s rulings are definitive.

There is likely to be a psychological battle for public opinion if the Democrats go this route. The Republicans will try to frame reconciliation as an un-American parliamentary trick that shouldn’t be used for something this important (even though 14 of the past 22 reconciliations since Reagan was President have been by the Republicans, often for equally important subjects). The Democrats, if they are smart, will say they believe in majority rule and they just want to let the Senate vote and see if the majority supports them. But the framing here is crucial for winning public opinion: is reconciliation a trick or is it just majority rule.

This guy was hired by the Republican majority to hammer through the Bush tax cuts when the last parliamentarian said they shouldn’t count, so hopefully he’ll take the same view here. If not, the Senate will simply fire him and put in someone who will. :roll2:

I was for reform when it included DEATH PANELS.

Wait, the death panels are out? :frowning:

I would be for this bill if it was only moderate reforms to increase competition and collaboration. But I can’t vote for a total take over :mamoru:

Fuck it I can’t say it with a straight face.

I have health care… I call it the Joe pay plan. I pay 100% of my Dr bills for a family of 4 until I get to the deductible. Then they kick in 80%. Of the 100% I pay, 80% of it counts against the deductible. I actually miss HMO plans… PPO’s suck and all my scripts have to be filled by Medco if I need more than one fill.

On a good note, I’m almost at my deductible for this year… Too bad I start over in a month. Not sure what to vote as I do not follow politics.

I care less about the members of society that leech off the Govt. tit their entire lives. Whatever is given for free must not be wasted. How do you get people that are in fact a waste, to stop wasting what is given to them for free?

Did you make this thread to brag about your Cadillac plan? :smiley:

Can they make this like corporate america and vote on when they should vote about the critical vote?

You got me. I have been Vipered.

Yes. They replaced them with photovoltaic. :slight_smile:

That’s how health insurance should work, (my plan is very similar) To cover you and protect you from something catastrophic. The fact that people who go to the Dr. once a week because they have gas is a big part of the problem. They have their Cadillac plans and want to make sure they get someone else’s moneys worth out of it. If you have to pay to get seen for a hang nail you might not clog up the Dr’s office unless sits necessary.

On a side note. Next time you have to go and you are paying out of pocket. Let the Doc know you are paying out of pocket. A lot of times they will cut you a break if they don’t have to fight the ins company for pmt. I was with-out insurance for the better part of 10 years and the few times I had to go, I told them up front I didn’t have insurance and was paying out of pocket, they hooked me up.

… And if the pimp ass plans are the Cadillac plans, the death pannels must be part of the Toyota plans! :lol:

Medicade and medicare are already controled by the government. So how are they going to fix the already run government insurance programs that are full of problems with more government run healthcare and save billions?

What government run healthcare?

Im just saying im against federal government intervention in pretty much everything at this point.