Where in the hell is Auggie?

LOLZ. I swear I was on a TIGHT schedule and Cossey is OG…

Silence! Your excuses are worthless here!
Redeem yourself peasant!

You’re not going to take this shit from her are you?

Probably not, I’m actually regretting it already.

I’ll slap-a-broad. :slight_smile:


There was no toss up actually, just a break down in communication thanks to an AIM fail.

So you think…

Shawn would never lie to me.

LOL. I left NYC at 5AM and I still barely got in everything. I slept at a buddies and came home early the next day. My BB was blowing up and I had to reschedule with a few as I thought I had more time. There just never is enough time. :frowning: