WHERE MY NERDS AT. (another computer thread)

I’m more of a ‘get the absolute best’ every 3-4 years kind of builder lol.

But in reality, probably not. I do some work that requires video rendering, etc. so it may help with that…but I’m sure I’d be okay with a lower level i7. But like I said, I go all out every couple of years.

Why not just run dual xeons then? :rofl


don’t get caught up in hdd sizes when you look at final prices because huge hard drives are so fucking cheap you can just keep stacking and stacking them

getting the best of the best is so not worth it anymore, get the best of mid range which is probably what most consider the best, spending 2k is alot better and cost effective than spending 5-6

I know, but it’s a mentality. :lol

when was the last tiem you looked at the Hard driev prices singh? Hard drives ARE NOT cheap right now…

A decent 7200RPM 1TB drive is ~200 bucks right now…

really? lmao okay my bad the last like 5 or more years they been cheap so I assumed

I damn near shit when I saw the current prices.

yeah watthefuck?

Why the gulftown? Should go with the new six core sandy bridges, things are beast. i7-39xx

Or like shady said: dual xeons! The new SR-3

Dual Xeons are where its at… you can encrypt and decrypt your porn like its no ones business :rofl

What mike said as well, go with sandybridge, all in all… should be a better processor then the gulftown, sandybridge is beast

word im glad dual cpu motherboards are becoming more mainstream

I like how REDWGN bailed on this thread all together :rofl

Well with the types of shit peolpe are doing at their homes now in regards to any sort of rendering/encoding etc and the fact that programs are taking advantage of multi threading hel even games… The kind of shit only corporations could have an afford years ago can now get in the hand of consumers

We shall see. Right now the Sandy’s are way too much money. A gulftown is overkill for 99% of the population. A Sandy is like…uber elite :lol. If it comes down to $600-650 by the time I buy, I’ll probably get a sandy.


$20 more than the gulftown

Yeah, it’s out of stock (I know they’ll get more - just sayin). I was building my list with only in stock items to get a dollar amount. The list wouldn’t computer a final price with any out of stock items. I guess I should have wrote this is “how powerful” my next computer will be. I didn’t mean that those are the parts I want, set in stone. I’m sure by mid-summer next year, a lot of those parts will have better versions, etc.


But I was referring to the high end Sandy. That’s what I want to buy if I go Sandy. And that one, I believe, is still like $1,000.

you can get a 3930k for $600, but are you really needing the 2 extra cores? the 3930k is only faster than the 2600k on high multithreaded applications. for 99% of even HIGH END users the 2600k is the best processor out there. Only select applications is it justifiable to get the higher end ones. The 3930 is on amazon in stock. The 3930 is far better than the gulftown, but the gulftown is barely better then the 2600k for half the price. There is no place for a 980 in any computer at that price point IMO. i have no idea why you would buy it.

Best I can say it’s just a mentality lol. It’s like getting a V8 version of a car when you could have had a V6 version for less and still gotten a great car.


We’ll see what’s available at the time when I start building…but most likely I’ll be building something that no one has or is completely ridiculous.

I do do video rendering for my wedding work…(and to be honest as I hadn’t put together a shopping cart in a while as I haven’t upgraded my PC in probably a year or more)…so I had no idea about the dual Xeon board from EVGA. That thing is bad ass. That being said, the next machine I build will DEFINITELY be a monster. Even over kill. See the analogy above. Whether it’s dual Xeon or single 6-core i7, etc. It’s going to murder stuff.