Where to find Erie County restaurant inspections?

Been on the Erric county’s health website and have found notheing.
What I’m looking for is when the health dept. inspects a restaurant they will usually post the results in a paper.Niagara co. does it on sundays I believe in the Lockport paper.Where does Erie county do theirs?
Stan’s got hit Reaaaaallly hard yesterday and want to see it.

I wish it were like cali, they post the results right on the front door of every restaurant.

North Carolina does that too, has saved us a few times.

Put it this way,2 of his employees won’t eat there and actually go to Subway because they won’t eat there.I would put $$$ if it was on his front door, he would have to close by the end of the month.





Do you know him?

if i knew a stan i would suggest they change their name, pronto
