where to get door+frame+installation

well my garage side door needs to go. i want a new door. i need a new frame b/c the exterior is rotting and someone to install this and knows what they are doing. recommendations ? i live in wheatfield. thanks guys

i just replaced my side door on the house…standard 6 panel steel entry, pre hung. got it from home depot for $139. They are easy to install…no reason you cant DIY

+1 for DIY. It’s not that tough.

Hanging a door is easy, to a point. If the opening is pretty square and plumb it will go smooth, but if you have to square the frame, then the door in the frame, then make sure it seals good too it can be a pita. The usual issues short of sealing right is the door not staying open a few inches on it’s own (fall open or closed) and banging into stuff.

Buy the Cheapo one and give it a try. Having one installed will run you at least $500 all set an done.


my door at HD was $139…and it was priced at $279 installed by them.

deff DIY

LOL good old home depot prices, of that 140 they charge to install it they only want to pay 40 to the contractor to install it. I’m amazed they still find people to work for them. I’d say do it yourself, most of the times they are pretty easy and even if you do have to square up the frame its more of just time consuming than hard.

not to sound like a jerk but im only 19 lol. its not like i have done this before. i know there is a first time for everything. im just worried i get the old frame out and i have no idea how to get the new one in . my dad passed away a couple years ago or i would be doing it with him.

i do not want to sound like im not a hands on guy because i do a lot of projects around the house. I guess im just over reacting.

basically i do not want to fuck it up the first time and then have to pay some one else to fix my mistakes.

i would buy from hd but never have anything installed by them i do not think. they quoted me double for my roof compared to some others which i thought was insane.

ya gotta start somewhere. Buy yourself a DIY book from depot/lowes it will guide you through it. you’ll save more money doing it yourself and get the satisfaction of “I did it”. Dont be scared if you own a level(even a 24"one) it wont be hard since you are hanging the frame also. This is a perfect project to learn on

ya your right pauly. might as well get it done myself and appreciate the work ive done. it sounds like an ok job. im just going to read up on it for the next week and tackle this project next weekend !


Grab a 10 percent lowes coupon, and use it at home depot.

I think lowes has exterior steel doors on sale this week, I was looking at one for an apartment.

I’m sort of like you, I didn’t learn a lot of home related or car repair stuff growing up. My father had no idea.

Between a couple friends showing me some stuff, and my girlfriends father helping me do some projects, we have accomplished quite a bit in one year.

Its a never ending battle to get the house how you want it, just knocking out a project by yourself or with some help feels a lot better than paying a contractor to do it.

it’s probably only a 2hour job, depending on how unsquare your house is
your house was pretty new, so i would assume everything would go smoothly

usually you only run into problems on older houses

goodluck :tup:

You just square it up with shims, right? Can’t be too hard if you have a good level and an assortment of shims to do it!

i did mine in 45 minutes. I have also done several of these before. I would agree that 2 hours for a first timer would be about right.

just buy the right size…get some shims and 3" screws…compare the new frame to the old one (should be the same), and you will get a better idea of what has to come out/how it goes in. its very straight forward. just a little tedeous getting it level/square. good luck.

if your house is not level, then you should be more concerned about getting it squared, rather than level. A level door on a crooked wall might not look right.

+1 more for doing it yourself. I tackled replacing a giant french door with a sliding patio door a few years ago and had never installed a door or window before. Just read a few how to articles online and go for it.


i’ve never seen a wall that was so, for lack of a better term, not 90* vertical that it fucked up a door lol

getting the door level would just be getting it level to the frame, you square the frame to the opening

You’d understand if you saw his house: