Where to get OOP(Leth)

I’m wondering what place is good to get an OOP in Lethbridge. I know the big places like the dealerships, canadian tire, fountain tire etc are really strict and try to screw you over. I tried one of those shops and they were hassling me about the DOT thing. I wanna get the OOP done before everyone is whipped by the DOT BS…So I’m wondering if anyone knows any shops that are more lenient on the inspection if you know what I mean. It’s an MR-2 btw(note: I was originally wanting to buy a skyline when I joined these forums, but I still stuck around)

Talk to the guys at world car link. They are based out of there, or at least there canadian part is.

The oop guy that we use is now retired and his brother or buisness partner now does the inspections. There old number is not in service anymore so I will take a drive over there sometime soon and let you know whats going on. We have got a few done at Canadian tire aswell. But for now your on your own as we need to find a guy to oop all our cars within the next week.

lethbrudge? who are you?

what mean oop/OOP? :?

Out Of Province inspection

hrm. . .prolly means i’ve got to get one done to my car eh?

Tyson’s friend. Who are you?

Come on mang!! i wanna see that mr2 on the asphalt!!!O and tell the last shop you were at they can shove the daytime running lights.