where would you go

well you said it. loser.

you hit the nail on the head like when the fridge started getting the oven from behind in that ‘sexx laws’ beck video back in the day

what do you plan on doing when you get out of school, cky?

lol il be in college in cali for 2 months before i turn 18

you are just full of ideas today :stuck_out_tongue:

sell shit on ebay

im going to UTI of sacramento. then we’ll see where i can get hired. UTI has great joa placement in big companies with decent starting salaries(sp)

considering i work, go to school and play paintball with most of my friends i dont see how im a loser. i meant i dont go out and party and drink and get stoned like most kids my age

ive got nothing of value to sell

visit nursing homes… make friends… = $$ in the long run.


make up shit… grab fucked up cars, and part them out on ebay


you said you cook…where do you cook at?

gardenview restraunt

plant a money tree :tup:


did you not read my post? i had the best idea yet

idk where in the mall

^ walk around mall
look for now hiring signs
fill out application
call or go back to ask about application
get blown off about 20 times
hopefully find somewhere to hire you
man, i dont miss trying to find a job at that age

delta sonic.
movie theaters.
a restaurant that isn’t fast food…being a dishwasher…

i could get a job cooking at a restraunt but i already do that and id really prefer somthing else for a 2nd job lol eeven tho since i have a year experience id get paid more than some loser whos never cooked before. i think im gonna try the landscaping compainies when it gets nicer

start applying and stop writing on the internet about it :wink:

i cook at forestview. i have been there on since i was 16. just pick up more shifts there. if youre not a waste then Gus will take care of you.