Which company for HDDs?

im backing all my stuff up to a 400 gig HDD, on a server.

or u can look into DLT, but thats expensive.

at what rate of compression?

or, rather:

how much data can be backed up to a 400gb drive?

400 gig, lol

no compression, but you can use high if u like, i dont tho.

i use acronis also for my backups.

Storage is so cheap now, it’s stupid to use tape storage unless you want to archive and send your backups across the world in case your house burns down. If you really want to go with high density tape storage, LTO3 standard devices are 400gig/800gig uncompressed/compressed respectively.

that’s what I was thinking… but couldnt really justify it.

No you can’t because the drive itself is about $5k plus you will need a server with a SCSI interface to connect it to. They have an 8 tape loader (we have one at work) which works phenominally but that goes for around $8k.


coughthat’s what I was thinking… but couldnt really justify it.cough

Honestly,I’ve had good luck with every HDD i’ve owned.My parents computer is running a WD 20gb that is getting up there in age,im running a maxtor 80gb 8meg cache that was $50 from CompUSA…works great.

Hitachi made some improvements to the deathstars,my xbox ran a 120gb seagate refurb that was very quiet.I dont hear any complaints about the samsung spinpoints either.

A maxtor is sitting next to me that has a date of 6/29/96 (2.?gb),working pull from a old Packard Bell.
