Hard drive brand recommendations

I just got a nice Sony tower that has a 250gb Seagate drive and I had to have it replaced. The previous owner has already had this done once. Are Seagate drives junk or is it a fluke thing? I have purchased many WD drives with no problems.I want to add a bigger drive and just want to make sure I’m buying a good one. If these are not reliable I’ll just replace it.

WD is good. Seagate is good. Maxtor was good.

yeah, seagate (lately) seems to have a lot of QC problems, however I’ve never personally had an issue with them.

as Fry said, any of the above will work fine and are all quality brands.

check the HDD to see if it’s still under warrenty, you might be able to get yourself a new one for free

  1. WD
  2. Seagate

Def. not Maxtor. Too many of 'em died on me.

As a person who has tested thousands of hard drives in his life, I like samsung the best.

Buy em at newegg.

They are the quietest as well.

Above all, wire an 80mm fan to blow directly on the hard drive, to keep it under 100F at all times (monitor the smart sensor on the drive).

When they get hot, they die no matter what the brand.

I usually buy a cheap 2 dollar 80mm fan, and attach it to the case with zip ties.


So, you put 2 fans, one on the top and the other on the bottom?
Is there a gap/room between the HD and the fans?

Never had a problem with Seagate Barracudas. Have had a few WD and Maxtors fail but nothing prematurely.

  1. Seagate
  2. WD

Seagate hard drives have a 5 yr. warranty on them, and they rarely fail.

No you just need one fan dude. A regular case fan. Just make sure the drive is getting air across it…

the two fans in front are intake fans on the drive bays


I have Maxtor, Seagate and Western Digital… Never had a problem with any. I have a 30 gig Maxtor that has lasted 8 years of continuous use. 3 250 gigs, all from various sales, all from the three brands and none have given me a problem yet after a few years of service. newest one is two years old. all run almost 24/7