which HD to get

Harddrive on my computer took a crap… what brands should i look for, and which ones should i avoid? would like to stay ~$100, cheaper is good as long as it isn’t junk haha

honestly you’re fine with any WD, Seagate or Maxtor… they are all cheap, and they are all around the same quality. Maybe with Seagate leading by a bit.

Never had a problem with Seagates. Had a few WD fail.

Newegg.com has cheap pricing.

never had issues with SG, but my maxtor whines like a little girl getting raped bu a 400 lb inmate…

cool seagate it is then :tup: thanks

yeah ide go with seagate

500 gig for 100 at frys.


i just bought 2.

Seagate. Maxxtor is shit. WD is pretty bad too.

maxtor is shit? ive got 2 in my servers and they are perfect.

go shoot yourself u old cranky fuck :stuck_out_tongue:

Seagate is pretty dependable, the reviews for maxtor is all over the board, i am not trying to say anything about it, just saying i would rather pick seagate.


maxtor is shit? ive got 2 in my servers and they are perfect.

go shoot yourself u old cranky fuck :stuck_out_tongue:


yea, i’d say it goes seagate > maxtor > wd, but in the end you’re going to be buying entry level discs, they are all going to be relatively low quality. also, i’ve had dozens of seagates fail at work in our servers :slight_smile:

granted they probably get used a bit heavier than jay’s computer… maybe, it is fantasy football season afterall :slight_smile:

lol ,you guys do know that Maxtor is basically Seagate now and that they were acquired by Seagate in 2006?

Anyway,most hard drive manufacturers are pretty reputable now and I certainly wouldn’t single out Hitachi or Samsung if a nice deal came along.

Western Digital is done with the 1 year warranty as of August,desktop drives are now 3yr.

stay away from Western Digital!


lol ,you guys do know that Maxtor is basically Seagate now and that they were acquired by Seagate in 2006?

Anyway,most hard drive manufacturers are pretty reputable now and I certainly wouldn’t single out Hitachi or Samsung if a nice deal came along.

Western Digital is done with the 1 year warranty as of August,desktop drives are now 3yr.


just because they bought them doesn’t mean the drives changed… for example, does linksys suddenly = cisco now? not even close :stuck_out_tongue:

ironically, I’ve had one of each fail on me over the years (wd, seagate and maxtor)

been running 2 WD hdd’s for the past few years and no problems yet, knock on wood. Also have another older machine with a seagate, and no problems with it either.

Honestly, It’s probably more luck than anything. Any of the above work fine IMO

Seagate is generally more reliable then the rest.

I’ve had 4 Western Digitals 4 Seagates, maxtor, and none of them have failed…

I had a 4 year old hitachi fail, a 2 year old seagate, a 6 month old WD, and a 9-10 year old maxtor thats still chugging, and its been running 24/7 for about 6 months now.


granted they probably get used a bit heavier than jay’s computer… maybe, it is fantasy football season afterall :slight_smile:


and fantasy hockey season as well :rofl:

your right tho, i don’t use my computer for anything out of the ordinary, so those should be fine

When I was doing IT work for a software company in rochester we had maxtors and western digitals failing DAILY. Literally every day I was shipping hard drives back and forth to Dell for replacement.

I’d buy seagate only because they have a much better warranty than the others (may have changed now that companies have merged though). Quiet, dependable, perform well, etc.

My 1.5TB (RAID6) array in the basement is mostly western digital with only a few seagates but so far so good. You really can’t ask about reliability talking to most consumers … people either have never had their hard drive fail or they’ve had one or two fail. Everyone has manufacturing defects from time to time.

Yes the hundreds and hundreds of hard drives I saw fail while working for that software company were all maxtor and wd, but that’s all Dell puts in their crap. I’ve personally had 2 hitachi hard drives fail in my laptop (which does have IBM active hard drive protection) but I still wouldn’t write them off.

It’s a tough call, which is why I only recommend seagate because of their much longer warranties. With any choice you make though, back shit up! Go with an online backup company with some sort of automatic backup software or buy an external hard drive large enough to hold whatever important documents you have.