Which One?

Im just looking at getting one of these for my car but not sure which one I want im 50/50.

Nissan Sentra SER/SPEC-V 07+ OE-RS


Nissan Sentra SER/SPEC-V Drift-Spec

first one, I like the stock look

X2 :thumbup1:

Second is ricy

first one is better…

Good. I was more partial to the first one too.

So you not getting the VRS stuff?

K, anything that is called “drift spec” doesn’t deserve to be bought.

It’s still a possibility, but probably not. I can get this cheaper and it’s shiny…and the sound is nice

This guy has the same set up as me but with the SER/SPEC-V 07+ OE-RS
Sound Clip… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzkwUaedbrc

damn only 1 vote for drift spec… i fail

If it makes you feel better 4 other people I know not on this site voted for the drift spec. (including my girlfriend). lol , but I really like how the OE-RS sounds.

Just an update. I came across a deal that I could not pass up. Essentially it was two for one deal. So I am getting both :slight_smile:
One muffler along with the header back piping is slightly used and the other axel back is brand new. The guy was layed off and needs money for the essentials


ASS>> lol

Your just jealous because now I have the option of looking like a ricer when I want and your stuck looking like one all the time. lol.

lol are you actually gonna crawl under your car and change the exhaust just cause?..

Once the header back piping is in It’s only the axle back which I will change just cause. It takes less then 10mins. Two bolts and hanger and your done :slight_smile: So yeah, just cause. hahaha

hope you know how to weld. ive read a bunch of guys complaining about how the welds on the megan exhausts falls apart.

I will keep that in mind. No one with the B16 has complained yet, so far they have mentioned that the welds are solid. So we will see how time goes, worst case scenario I take it to a welder.

So this deal fell thru only due to the cost of shipping changed dramatically. UPS and Fedex both wanted $350USd to ship. So he gave me my money back.

Ryan are you still getting your VRS system?