Who all is moving?

I just heard the other day that there are 70,000 fewer people in WNY between the ages of 25 and 45(?) than in 2000.
And yet we are spending hundreds of millions on schools.(?)
Are they expecting kids to move here on their own or what?
I guess they are building schools to keep people working.:gotme:

I like the buff. Not moving.

back to work

I like the buff. Will return.

As soon as school is over I’m out. SC here I come :slight_smile:

says the pot

i dont have any work

I lived in pitts for 6 months for school, didn’t like it because i really didn’t get to experience the city being under 21 and without a degree at the time i had no options other than shitty jobs while doing the school thing.

It’s a beautiful city though, once i get my bachelors i wouldn’t mind trying a new city out, but ill most likely try to find a job in buffalo first…

Moved away twice, and moved back twice. Once to NJ and then to Charlotte.

Charlotte is okay but everything is fake and there is no real history there. Strip malls EVERYWHERE. Drive 20 minutes in any direction outside of Charlotte and your in the sticks.

Everyone wants to move away. GO, try it elsewhere and compare.

My brother has been there for almost 10 years now, it really is overrun with idiots which is why i think alot of people here move there and succeed.

I like it here …you know the usa today keeps reporting that buffalo area is one of the top 5 in the home market to be growing and such we are up like 5%


I think Oahu is about the only place I’ve been that I really thought I’d like to live for a few years. Otherwise I’ve been to some nice places but meh. Some places are a little newer or a little nicer or a little warmer, but they all have their down sides too and there’s just no compelling reason to move away from my friends and family.

Huge increase in retards and “special needs” these kids cost the school systems shit tons of money. Also the people that are not leaving are the POOR ones that means more lunch programs and more AID costs for the schools.

Chicago for being a large city feels small. The winters here are just horrible though. It has been below 15 degrees at least twenty times this winter and the wind is brutal. The summers, however, are awesome here. I did not have a full summer here yet but the tail end of last summer was a blast. There are so many young people here that when I see a person in their forties in my neighborhood I have to make a note of it. My only complaints so far are the terrible winters and my car being stolen. I am already thinking about moving to San Diego in the fall. After this winter I never want to deal with a winter again.

Everyone I know who has moved to Charlotte or Raleigh has HATED it and moved elsewhere.

Atlanta is one of the most overrated cities in the country also. Spent plenty of time there dont make an effort to go there.

Colorado on the other hand is amazing. Lived there for a bit in '05 would love to go back.

24 months till I am done with school then back to MIA or Cali

Look at South Burlington before Burlington…I like living outside of the college scene in the townhouses/mall area more…Come visit us if you want and you’ll see that this location is everything.

On topic…been gone…love vermont but hate the cold…I’d like to be in Texas within 5 years…

i guess im the only person that took moving as not in the us lol

Japan in 1.5 years :slight_smile:

Add me to the list i lived in Charlotte and didn’t care for it all that much.

gone already ---- philly ----- love it here