Who all is moving?

I had no plans on moving but doubling my income…lower cost of living…endless job growth…can’t really argue.

Where’d you find lower cost of living???

I may be in the minority here but I moved to Buff 3 years ago for my job. Been pretty content here, many possitives to the city that most take for granted. My time will come in a few years to leave, but until then I’ll enjoy my visit:)

Newport News, VA

Once I graduate I want to head someplace warm. But well see what kind of job offers I get up here first. Id like to visit the west coast soon and get an idea of what its like that way.

I know someone posted a site that had cost of living differences. Can’t find it though.

for the people going to Atlanta…have you ever been there before? in summer more specifically? its way too hot/humid for my liking! a/c will definitly be your friend if you go

X2, although most of my friends seem to be moving away as of recently. :frowning:

Nope lol,i have been at the airport on one occassion and drove through the city on another we are being transfer by work, with a 22k raise, and our douplex is only $780 and really nice!

Its funny that you say that because everyone I know who has moved/visited absolutely loves it.

I guess maybe it differs in respect to where you are from originally. I am from Long Island, NY. I have been in buffalo for about 5 years going to school. To be honest I am not a HUGE fan of either area. If buffalo didn’t have as bad of weather, I would be SLIGHTLY more inclined to stay. The major factor here is me getting into a professional job in my area at the entry-level. Even IT recruiters in buffalo would admit that it is hard for entry level college grads to start off in buffalo. I visited Raleigh and I loved it. The people down there are REALLY nice, the area is beautiful, most houses are pretty new and relatively inexpensive, and the job market just continues to boom year after year. Add on top of that the ability to go boating on beautiful lakes, hike in awesome state parks, and be on the ocean in < 3 hours and you have paradise.

I am actually really curious, what do some people NOT like about those areas?

lol @ Atlanta for being hot and humid…

They also don’t have a miserable winter…

yeah, i find it seriously ironic that people living in buffalo are complaining about warm weather.

I just laugh because on average in Buffalo during summer its either raining…or humid as hell and you need AC.

thats true, but its a little worse down there in general. You can kinda squeeze by without a/c around here, you cant pull that shit down in Georgia and Florida though. Its way worse dealing with single digit temps in the winter, then the slightly higher humidity and temps though.

the only people that complain that much are people like you, that end up leaving/not wanting to be here…

i personally love the changing seasons…don’t mind the cold all that much…you can dress up more for the cold, but when it’s too hot out all you can do is sit in the A/C…meh…not for me i guess.

and that’s quite the bold statement, Formula, that all buffalo/wny summers are too humid, or just rainy? maybe that’s your opinion…and maybe your opinion is why you want to move away? i think the past few summers have been great on the whole…

I have been there plenty of times in all seasons and I like it. Better job oppotunities down there for me, make more money, cost of living is not any higher really, better future, family and close friends live there or within a few hour drive, no snow (I can fly somewhere to ski)

The weather has nothing to do with me moving.(Besides the fact when I move I can drive a nice car year round)

The IT job market here fucking blows…I could make ok money around here in 4-5 years…

I could make very close if not well into 100k+ doing IT in 4-5 years in other places.

:wstupid: Spent 4 years in Raleigh. Now I’m N.Buffalo and loving life.
Snow melts, and you can’t shovel stupid.

You must not plan on buying a house. My friend in Alexandria says alot of good things, but is really pissed that real estate is (was) so out of whack.

I could not agree with you MORE. Ive been here for a little over a year and I cant stand it. I work on Lake Norman (10miles N of Charlotte) and because of all the fakeness we call it Fake Norman. There is absolutely NO history here and the strip malls are ridiculous. If you are even considering moving down here, SPEND SOME TIME HERE FIRST. I thought it was awesome when I first moved here but after a week it got redundant. Only thing I can really say is RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH the place you are planning to move to. Try to spend some extended time there to make sure that you like the area and people. If I could do it all over again I would probably move to Colorado.

I respect your opinions, I’m not saying that people in buffalo are dumb for staying.

I NEVER in a million years would have thought that I would want to move out of Long Island. I figured I would go to college here, go back and get a job. The last 5 years of my life have really opened my eyes as to what else is really out there. I’m gonna take a chance, I’m gonna find out for MYSELF whether or not there are other places in the country where I want to live. I think being at college has helped me to accept other people and other cultures and I really wanna expand myself. If I do not like it in NC, I still will not move back to NY. I will move to another city/state which seems to have great offerings for a young professionals looking to make some money and live a fun, fullfilling life. I don’t want to regret not trying something new and I don’t want to wonder what life would have been like anywhere else. I am young, and my girlfriend and I have nothing to lose by trying something different for the next few years.

I have also heard that Charlotte is not very accepting of NYers relocating down to their area for jobs. Is this true? can you shed any light on that?