Who all is moving?

This question if for the people who plan on moving…

How much money do you have saved up to do so?

been gone for 4+ years now.

i still can’t find a job description (in buffalo) that comes close to what I do…

sorry but when i was down there MULTIPLE times, each and every time all anyone wanted to do was just sit inside in the airconditioning because it was so humid out. i can deal with hot (ie: california didnt phase me at all) but screw the humidity.

not to sound like a spoiled jerk, but I have my parents support, they will help me out with the move so I can get on my feet.

i love it here in buffalo, i dont ever plan on moving. i like the change of seasons, because i love going tubing etc in the winter and it allows me to get away from my car too. then spring/summer comes i get to enjoy it again. plus i dont ever think i could leave all my friends/family behind, especially now

consider me lucky, ive already landed a job where i dont have to worry even without a degree. once i get my degree i wont know what to do with myself at my current place of employment.

I’ve been down here in the Charlotte area since July. Its not to bad. Finding a job is hard. I’m not sure if it has something to do with being from NY or what. Winter has been nice. I’m find with just wearing a hoodie outside. In buffalo, I’ll have on a hoodie and jacket. There is small plazas/ strip malls every where. The majority of the houses are new and in community’s. There really isn’t too much to do. Altho, the autox season starts next weekend for ccr scca. There really aren’t any public beaches along lake wyile or lake norman.

I just moved to Boston a month ago after living in Ft. Myers, FL for the past two years. No that I literally just moved, I have an opportunity to relocate once again to Oahu. I’m excited about the possibility of it yet at the same time unsure of it. What did you like so much aside from the fast that it’s an Island?

I like Buffalo, its ok. Id rather take the snow then boarding up my house every year and worrying if its gonna get blown away in some hurricane down south.

my brother just moved to las vegas a few weeks ago, he loves it.

im thinking about going down there to meet him, see what its like.

and i love buffalo.

I love it here.

I see winter as downtime to work on the car and save for parts. If I ran my car year round, I’d be really broke! And the weather isn’t that bad. (I work outside everyday and have no problem with it.)

either Colorado or California after im finished with school

What’s your IQ?

moved to Tampa then Dallas, I am avoiding the snow belt at all costs

those in th b-lo makin it happen…congrades! otherwise buff has nothin worth it. I just accepted a 6 fig job that i would NEVER find in buffalo. again congrades to those who make that money and wanna deal with the shitty weather .

i just returned to buffalo after after living in atlanta/savannah ga for more than 20 years. down south is cool during the fall and winter but sucks in the summer. you never see anybody outside doing anything during the summer because of the 100 degree temps and 90 percent humid. people wait until night to drive to the beach. what i like about buffalo is the way everybody loses thier mind during the summer. Also it seems like there is way more car action in wny than the areas i lived in.

For real, if you land a good job in Buffalo, you can live like a king. There’s a lot to offer around here, if you know the city well, too.

QFT. Buffalo culture is amazing too and people look right past this all the time. I was looking to buy a home in Seattle while i was stationed there and it was a joke. You would need six figure just to have a nice home.

DrImmodium i used to drive past Lake Norman all the time on my way to Moorsville. I lived right across from the Best Buy on Independance Blvd.(74). I didnt hate it in Charlotte but wasnt impressed at all.

There really is a lot of culture, it just doesn’t get the media attention because the job market is struggling.

wah wah bass pro will save the city wah wah wah

Meanwhile the botanical gardens gets a 9 million dollar expansion and it barely makes the news…

i may give phoenix a shot in a few years. Hot temps but low humidity

I have never heard of anything like that. Ive been down here for a little over a year and I worked in a restaurant for the majority of it and it seems like all of the customers are living here now but almost no one is originally from Charlotte. Most of the people who live down here are either from NY, NJ, PA, or OH. I can probably count ~12 people who Ive waited on who were born and raised in Charlotte.

Charlotte is just really REALLY boring. There is NOTHING to do here. Right now MidgeX is down here visiting and instead of going out and doing stuff, we are sitting on my couches watching TV. No I know that people can say ‘well get off your ass and do something’ but unless you want to go shopping, there isnt anything to do. There are strip malls EVERYWHERE down here but as far as entertainment goes, theres not a lot. For those who are down here now, what do you do to occupy your time?