Who all is moving?

I would sit at my house and drink beer. Man i actually used to go to this one pool hall all the time(cant remember the name) and i used to go see alot of metal shows.

thank you for confirming that lol

My bad…I forgot about the 6months of winter we have in Buffalo where no one goes outside :slight_smile:

thats fine, but don’t say i’m not right about the humidity :slight_smile: my brother went to school down there and i didn’t exactly look forward to visiting in the summer :lol:

I didn’t say those places are not hot and humid…

I just said Buffalo is also humid in the summer…along with a lot of rain on average…

I dont think that in VA your gonna find that kind of dense humidity either though. GA is much farther south(obviously).

but you can’t really compare the humidity in buffalo to the humidity in atlanta, its much worse in atlanta

thats why i love where im at now, there’s always so much going on. I’m an hour to AC, a $15 bus ride to nyc, 2 hrs to DC, and theres always a ton of stuff going on here in the city.

  1. Shut up about the hot and humid stuff. Once you’ve been down there for over a year your blood thins out.

  2. Home is where you grew up, it always will be. That doesn’t mean you won’t like it someplace else.