Who are you voting for?

Okay so NDP/Orange guy it is! Let’s vote for that guy! The NDP / orange dude looks more friendly then those other two guys, the liberal/ Red guy looks like a scamer (then again they all are)and the Conservative / blue guy looks evil, he looks like one of those friendly looking guys but he is the devil in disguise, he also looks very american lol.
The orange guy looks more down to earth, he seems a little nicer and from what I see on tv he seem more friendlier too.

GO NDP! (Nissan Drivers Party)

It is all well and good that you have your own opinions, but a) what are you doing to change it and b) what real impact do you think not voting will have on our “corrupt” society? I would like to know how you think society should work, and who should lead?[/quote]

^exactly, Im studying political science and would honestly like to hear your “political ideal” because quite frankly I bet I can find so many ways on how it would not work. An anarchist society is a fu.cked up society. Also if there was no government how would anythign get done?[/quote]
to an extent, yeah your right…

but the government in this society has their finger in everyones oatmeal and its getting worse every year. less privacy, more taxes.

how “chaotic” are the societies that arent government run, you know… the peaceful tropical countries with no governments and no police… where people live in harmony.

taxes and bills are what create criminals because they dont feel like working to pay them…

no matter who we vote for we all lose.

how “chaotic” are the societies that arent government run, you know… the peaceful tropical countries with no governments and no police… where people live in harmony.

I hope your being sarcastic…

what countries are these that have no government and live in harmony? Most of the governments down south as well as africa have little jurisdiction over the people (mainly cuz they’re so poor) and people practically kill for sport because there is no “law” to tell them otherwise. I dont know how that is living in harmony

did i say africa?

ty that was a noob cannon post

I said it, im asking what country’s are these that have no governments and live in harmony, im really curious

this is 100% gonna get out of hand.

I’m not doing your research for you.

If you want to know what anarchy means you can easily read a few books and dig through some websites.

And it is NOT a fanboy bandwagon a-patch punk bullshit.

I’m sick of people disregarding the non status quo.

Doing our research for us and explaining your point of view are two completely different things…

My point of view is simply that all forms of government (whether it be political, religious, educational) are detrimental to our need to be “free” and therefore restricts people from reaching their fullest potential.

Government is the cause of all war and thus the cause of all killing and loss of lives. War is preventable.

Government is unneccesary to say the least as humans are by nature good. No human being is born evil and so has the ability to govern themselves without resorting to destruction without a controlling body.

I have more faith in the human race than you can imagine.

A good place to start:



That is all theory and your personal opinion about the human race (there are tons of theory’s about the human race as well as how it would work without government, different governments, and so on).

Anyways I really want to know what country’s get along in harmony without government because I will definetely do my next paper on that. I just cant seem to find any.

You’ve got to look harder.

so you were talking about Argentina then in the South I guess? Well they have a government, so I still dont know which country’s your talking about. Also wikepeida is a horrible resource for anything, people can go on there and change anything.

I am going in 5 min to the polls. Conservatives all the way.


thats what Im saying.

the system is broken.

we’re puppets so f#ck the system.

no matter who wins we all lose.

Listen to what you’re saying. Rather than whining and blaming the system
for failure, grab life by the balls and make the most of it.

Anarchy, like communism is fine in theory. In their idealistic sense both of
these systems seem like good ideas, but in reality they won’t work. Take
a quick look at the world and you’ll realize neither of these will be the
dominant political system during your lifetime.

So rather than saying you support no party and abstaining, eating/spoiling
your ballot, at least do your country the service of voting for the best
candidate there is. If you don’t even make the effort to vote you have no
right to criticize those in power.

If you think all the candidates suck, and that we should be a marxist or
anarchtic society, then garner the necessary support, and create your
own party or at least run in your riding.





Listen to what you’re saying. Rather than whining and blaming the system
for failure, grab life by the balls and make the most of it.

Anarchy, like communism is fine in theory. In their idealistic sense both of
these systems seem like good ideas, but in reality they won’t work. Take
a quick look at the world and you’ll realize neither of these will be the
dominant political system during your lifetime.

So rather than saying you support no party and abstaining, eating/spoiling
your ballot, at least do your country the service of voting for the best
candidate there is. If you don’t even make the effort to vote you have no
right to criticize those in power.

If you think all the candidates suck, and that we should be a marxist or
anarchtic society, then garner the necessary support, and create your
own party or at least run in your riding.

agree 100%


Listen to what you’re saying. Rather than whining and blaming the system
for failure, grab life by the balls and make the most of it.

Anarchy, like communism is fine in theory. In their idealistic sense both of
these systems seem like good ideas, but in reality they won’t work. Take
a quick look at the world and you’ll realize neither of these will be the
dominant political system during your lifetime.

So rather than saying you support no party and abstaining, eating/spoiling
your ballot, at least do your country the service of voting for the best
candidate there is. If you don’t even make the effort to vote you have no
right to criticize those in power.

If you think all the candidates suck, and that we should be a marxist or
anarchtic society, then garner the necessary support, and create your
own party or at least run in your riding.[/quote]
proof of my puppet remark.

keep preeching what they want you to, way to go guys!

yay high taxes!! yay high tuition!! yay high insurance!! nothings going to change!!

High taxes?

Sorry but thats part of living in one of the best nations in the world with
extensive support for social programs such as welfare and healthcare.

High tuition?

Try looking down south, its far more expensive than here. Besides if your
marks are good there are enough scholarships and bursaries that your
school AND living expenses can be paid for you, with money left on the
side to go to the bar. Of course that would take some hard work, who
wants to bother with that?

High insurance?

Well, that one I agree is unreasonable. Insurance here should be
government regulated as it is in other provinces. But note that is under
provincial jurisdiction therefore it doesn’t have any effect on who we
should support in a federal election.

Nothings going to change?

Not if everyone takes your attitude on voting and has as little faith in the
Canadian political system as yourself. If you want something to change,
then take action, and make it change.

I don’t mean this as a personal attack on you, but I have no sympathy or
concern for people who take your type of attitude and don’t vote or simply
sit back and complain when things don’t go their way.