Who are you voting for?

I was going to post exactly what iQuA said… I am perfectly fine with our taxes, simply because we are better looked after than 99% of the rest of the world, including the USA. As for tuition, iQuA is right on too, we are incredibly lucky to have such inexpensive, world-class education at our disposal.

Insurance on the other hand… :roll:


Did anybody else notice there was a PC Party and a Conservative Party on their ballot?? Tricky Dicky.

no they were busy being manipulated

Yes. Its all a big conspiracy. We are all being manipulated.

…This comming from someone who from their posts so far hasn’t read a
single party’s platform for this election… right.



I don’t get it.

thats what happens when you listen to MCR

im xXpoliticalcoreXx down with government its all a scam!

im so scene

where my razor blade

The Canadian government is a conspiracy. Thats why there will be a
change in the our country’s leaders… and our Prime Minister.

Good logic.


thats what Im saying.

the system is broken.

we’re puppets so f#ck the system.

no matter who wins we all lose.[/quote]

wtf, you sound like a complete moron (sorry to be rude), but how are we puppets? because we have a right to vote and/or have the ability to create our own parties? lol

No, we are puppets because we are all manipulated to believe that
Canada is actually a democratic nation. :roll:

i wouldnt say we’re puppets but individually we cannot participate in government, or at least not with any influence. However, collectively we could make a difference, but not now.

i voted green.

this way i can say that i voted, had my say (what little say it is) but will not be responsible for the winner.

i dont know nor do i care what the green party is all about. but i know they are an alternative platform and change is good from what we have now.

as an aside, there are individuals who themselves are able to pull more political influence than rather large collectives. unfortunately these persons do not have the best interests of the population in mind. instead the case is all too often a self-interest that is counter to that of any collective aside from the ones that represent the individual.

vote, but dont vote for the big guy…

the sooner the playing field is evened out the sooner people have to follow through on their claims.

less individual influence means more accountability.

vote for the underdog.

minority conservative govt predicted

you guys arent really getting what i mean.

this is a great country when you compare it to terrible countries

try comparing it to switzerland or an actual good place. you dont see any swiss people moving here.

anyway, what i mean is that i just dont think to be accepted and deemed “normal” you should have to do everything you are told.

i dont feel like voting? so what im not cool now? im “weird”?

its good that you guys voted, i guess you saw some sort of reward that i didnt happen to see in it.

i would have voted ndp and it wouldnt have made a shred of difference.

and think about this…

for someone to vote purely because people tell them that if they dont they arent socially acceptable… and their vote has no thought behind it at all… well i think thats worse.

would you get random people off the street to judge a car show? no. they have no idea what should constitute a nice car. so if someone has no true opinion on the subject why should they have to vote??

this thread is the classic case of what im saying.

i have a “unique” opinion on the subject so i get ganged up on by everyone

just doing what you’ve been told tho guys, no hard feelings.

guess ive seen fightclub too many times

I remember your old avatar and thought just that when reading your posts
in this thread.

I don’t mean any hard feelings by what I’ve said either.

Voter turnout for the 2004 election was just over 60%. Considering people
in many countries fight for the right to vote, and women here fought for
the right to vote, I think thats pretty pathetic.

If all the parties are so bad, then make a new one. In my first year political
science class we did an investigation on the main reasons for voter apathy.
The main reason was not that people didn’t like the parties, it was that they
felt their vote wouldn’t make a difference.

My main point is that its important to vote. Forget the conspiracy theories
and do your part as a member of our nation. If you don’t know what the
parties are all about, how can you say they suck? If your reason for not
voting is that you dont know, then get educated, it only takes a few
minutes to find the info you need.

Oddly enough, I’d rather someone vote for a party i dont like than not
vote at all.

you just contradicted your self compleatly to everything you have previously stated.

if everyone took your attitude and decided voting dosent make a shred of difference the country would be ruled by one person and would be a dictatorship, and then, really not make a difference and probobally be in war like some countries which have no way to vote.

if voting ndp wouldnt make a shred of difference then explain why so many NDP canidates won liberal and conservative ridings lastnight, and how do you think they did that? shank the liberal canidate in the washroom? no people voted them in.

if voting dosent make a shred of difference then explain how our primeminister changed from liberal to conservative in 30 min.

Why anybody would not vote is beyond me!

Even if you couldn’t give a rats ass about the state of the nation - I bet your parents / grandparents have an opinion.

Why not at least pull your selfish heads out of your asses for one minute to see that your vote can affect the lifestyle your parents / grandparents / friends have become accustomed too.

When you kids realize the World is NOT out ot get YOU you will see the error in your ways.

i just read through some of the earlier posts in this thread.

Never, you mentioned that a vote for any party is a waste and sited that anarchist rule would be one where no government exists.

i am currently reading a short book that is an overview of anarchist history and i dont read it that way.

true that there may not be systems of formalized and competitive governments however even in an anarchist rule there would be persons forming a collective who would lead in the decision making process.

this would be informal at first but would ultimatley have to lead to a formalied system of elected officials.

i think the difference between anarchist and current governments is an idealistic and motivational one.

anarchist communities and their leaders would be motivated to create equality, unity and above all it would seek to take care of everyones needs.

i read that there were some european communities who taxed themselves in order to fund proper health care services that were open to everyone equally.

i havent been able to read much more of it due to school and other BS but i too thought that anarchism was a derogative term until i started reading this book.

My uncle sais it best, “Canada is the worlds toilet, when the rest of the world takes a shit, all the shit comes here.”

I agree with Spilner everytime they say Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in, who are they comparing it to? 3rd world countries or corupted countries? It is true very reraly do you see people coming here from coutries who are doing well, why would they leave a nice European countrie to come here.

I remember like 10 years ago going to Europe and I would tell people Im from Canada and they would be like “wow I hear Canada is a nice place it must be nice, good for you”. Now I go and when I tell them Im from Canada, they are like “what are you doing there, your a fool to waste your time there”, and I don’t like that feeling because it makes me feel like they are looking down at us.

Peope in Europe have always had a better life style then the people in North America, people in Europe know how to live their lifes (especially the people around the Mediterranean area) but now they even have a better ecomony and the Eurodollar is strong. They must be doing something right, I don’t see why we can’t, we have all the resources, we just don’t have the right people and the people in Canada can never all agree on one thing, but that’s what happens when 5% of the population controls the rest of the 95% the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

There is no democracy here, there is no free country it’s all a game of smoke and mirrors, it’s a song and a dance we are all forced to sing along and dance to. One day it will come to an end but why should good people suffer and loose everything they have worked so hard for all their lives because the politicians screw everything up for them.
It’s like being on a train headed for derailment and wanting it to stop so you can jump off but there are no brakes and you are not in control, all you can do is sit down and hold on tight and hope for the best but you know no matter what there will be casualties.

The consertives did not win because they are a good party, they won becasue people finally blamed everything on the Liberals, Even if they liberals actually had a better compaign and would have actually been the better leaders (no my oppionion just statement) they would have been voted out.

so really we voted becsaue we did not like someone not that the other person is better for our nation. wow it is like high school all over again.

My uncle sais it best, “Canada is the worlds toilet, when the rest of the world takes a shit, all the shit comes here.”[/quote]