Who Believes in Aliens?

would you say that we have hit an evolutionary boundary? we are now evolved to the point that rather than physically adapt we change our environment to suit us. I submit that we continue to evolve tho at a MUCH slower rate since undesirable traits are allowed to live on. in a million years humanity will very likely be gray skinned, very thin, with large heads. there is already a vast number of people beginning to resemble this idea. they sit in an office all day, never get any sun, stare at a computer screen. the older they get the more they appear with large glazed eyes and crooked fingers, with hardly the physical strength to move the keyboard that they type on all day.
Intelligent robots will ultimatly spell the end of life as we know it on earth. all laborer jobs will be replaced freeing the human race to “evolve” into the “aliens”…

or maybe we will get hit by a meteor and allow us all to start over from square 1…