who do you plan to worship this christmas?

Yea as in Christopher Kringle aka Santa Claus

did you really start a religious based topic on this site? this is bound for lock.

i click teh jesus button

they’re both fairy tales

In for santa that guy is the coolest.

notice how the higher the average education level is, the less religion there is?

the point of trees / lights / presents is that this is a time of year where you celebrate family and friends.

ive had jewish friends hand me christmas gifts, and at the same time ive bought them gifts too. sorry that it wasnt done so in the name of jesus christ.

guess we should change it to “Peace on earth. Good will towards men… except for those assholes who dont beleive in god / our god, they can get their own damn holiday so it doesnt pollute CHRISTmas”

Yep, when you’ve been trained to require proof faith goes out the window. Understandable.

But rather than get into a theological debate, what I meant was that it’s sad that so many young people have such a negative view of something that is fundamentally good. That’s probably more of a reflection of all the bad things that are done in the name of religion, but still it saddens me.


^^^^ fundamentally good, yes

actualy good … eeeh … lets just say i know plenty of religious people who are definantly going to hell, and alot of agnostics that would go to heaven … if they beleived in it

from what ive seen theres a few people that make religion look bad, a few that make religion look good, and the other 70% of the people are just average joes who dont doin anything to bad OR to good in society

the day that any ONE religion makes all their beleivers into good lil religios people … nevermind, that will never happen

wow we all feel differently about what we believe in, and some of you seem to take it to heart. big deal if someone doesn’t believe in your religion and still enjoy the holiday sinces its commercialized

you are an idiot.

“religon” is not about doing good things or bad things. It’s about believing in something/someone. imo God knows no one is perfect and if people that believe in God want to be nice to others or do “good things” it’s because they choose to…not because it’s a requirement of religion.

+1 to andrea!

u go girl! lol

I’m not sure I agree about the linear view of intelligence vs. no religion" In my experience, the smartest people are also the MOST religious. They are so into their field that they realize there is NO way the way things work came out of pure randomness. While I am going for a bio major, I have learned how complex the human body is and there is no way I can believe that the way everything works just “fell together” after thousands of years. Going along with what andrea said, God gives us the choice to do what we want. Those who follow can, and those who don’t aren’t forced to. God will let every person make whatever choices they may and in the end is where they will be dealt with. So yeah, baby jesus is my choice, 7lb 8ounce baby jesus.

…says the girl who thinks i (among others) shouldn’t be allowed to celebrate christmas

its not a requirement of religion … as long as you don mind going to hell.

whats the use of believing in god if you arent going to follow his word / the word of his disciples ?

we have creationism / intelligent design in the house! and you want to study biology?

Some thoughts by me:

-Both Santa Clause and the tree where invented by religion to pull pagans back into the faith. They also did this in order to save a dieing fish trade, as this is why you eat fish on Friday.

I think its more or less a technology/society based trend. Today kids have instant excitment / pleasure all day long with music / games / drugs / TV / ipods / etc. Plus the media and entertainment in general pushes that these activities are “cool”. Sucks that no one thinks for themselves anymore doesn’t it.

Actually religion is about how you live your life. Have you not read the stories out of the bible? They are all based to teach a life lesson. If the lesson be to follow god / jesus blindly, respect your elders, or help the needy so be it. They try to mold you into a person that they want you to be. If you look closely at many religions they all tend to be basically structured the same.

I think that I am a pretty logical person, and I have to say that I can’t believe in any one religion. I have read most parts of the following; Analects (of Confucius), the Qur`an, The Bible, Ovid:Fasti.

I have come to the conclusion from feelings inside me that one must be content with themselves and live a positive life to reach eternal bliss. I also believe that there must be a God. I do not think everything could have fallen into place like it has.

What I do not believe in is the need to follow and support a cult. Catholics require that you go to church weekly, etc. If you only go to mass on x-mass they look down at you. Why? To pressure you to come every week and join their club, thats why. The only value I place in any religion is purely entertainment. My g/f believes in the church and I will go with her. Hell I even throw my $5 into the basket. Why do I do this? I do it because she enjoys it, and it entertains me. It tells me a story, and last time I checked a 1.5 hour movie at the regal is about $10 bones, so I guess the going rate for 45-60 min would be $5 bucks. They need to pay for heat or they will go out of business and I don’t want my honey losing something she enjoys.

I will however most likely raise a family in the catholic church due to the fact that it teaches you to have good morals.

How about this for you:

I’m driving down the 219 and notice a S-10 with a flat tire on the side of the road. Ok, no big deal, I keep on driving. I then notice a man walking down the street in the freezing cold, while it is snow out, maybe a good 2 miles from the truck. I pull over and pick the guy up. He is an older guy a little dirty and thanks me repeatedly. He tells me how he doesn’t have a phone and what not. I drive him into Springville and drop him off at the gas station and leave.

How many people drove by the man on the highway? How many of those people go to church every Sunday? Religion doesn’t make you a good person, you make yourself a good person.

-ok last side note: I don’t mean to anger anyone, and I was just trying to show you my point of view.
Please feel free to contradict me and tell everyone how you feel. I’d like to know other’s views too.

Money, Money, Money, Monnn nay, got to have it feeling needy :slight_smile:

No. Most religions are fundamentally about compassion for life. :slight_smile:

Is God prone to making a few mistakes, because the design of the eye has some issues. :wink:

Or do you use this more loosely? ergo, God was a conductor, so to speak?

First of all…I’m not catholic. I’m just talking about religion and God in general. I agree that religion doesn’t make you a good person. That is your own job. You don’t have to go to church every week, you don’t have to stop and pick a guy up off the side of the road or anything like that because you can believe in God and believe that Jesus was born and not do “good things” But I guarentee if you are serious about following what the Bible says then you will just want to help others and be kind. it is NOT a requirement. No one is perfect and if you think everyone who claims to be religious won’t let you down sometime in your life…you are mistaken. It about having a personal relationship with God. You can get together with family any time of the year. Chritmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ. That’s why people decorate, and give gifts. But the people that celbrate and don’t believe should pick a different day then December 25th.

Thats a very poor way of looking at it. One of the reasons we we have Quanza and will probably have more bullshit holidays in the future. That kind of thinking makes non Catholics feel like outcasts and makes them want to start their own thing.

Christmas has EVOLVED (like everything else in the world). Its not just about Christ anymore. Christ is where it began… its way past that. Christmas is about the good nature of people, fun, festivities, sharing, giving, kindness and the joys of family and companionship. Everyone is entitled to that (especially since the theme is SHARING)