Who drives the charger with the plate...


Wow - again I go to class and shit gets out of control. I think I am going to drop out of school just to keep an eye on the day crew.

This is a parody thread. I never said anything that would be consider provoking about muscle50. If that was my intent, I would have made some stab about following too close, or driving too fast for the rain in my tank of a car, or something dumb like that. I didn’t. The mental image of me getting all worked up because a cop cut me off sounded funny to me. You need to relax.

Back to our regularly scheduled funny.


*Note, I have not once contributed to any of these threads, my reply is based purely on observation and by the fact that in real life I can be an asshole , both in a sarcastic form and serious form. I know how to push peoples buttons. That being said, this is a parody thread blanketed over a subtle shout out to Jesse (M50) stirring the pot, and pushing his buttons. His reply is justifyable in my book…carry on with the banter:)