Who drives the charger with the plate...


That guy was your size…SMALL.
Its like me beating on you…PICTURE THAT. ONE hit youre done, break every bone in your body.
I wont do that to you though,…I LIKE YOU… hahaa

Damn leave the man alone. Hes going to show up at a mighty and kick all your behinds.



no no jojo that wasnt what i meant by that, i was just saying jesse isnt afraid to say the same stuff he says online to someones face

I was making a joke out of all the i bet bet you wont say this stuff to the guys face shit that people keep tossing around. If you couldnt figure that out then sorry. Here ill say it in a way easier to understand. If you are saying some stupid crap like he is someone to watch out for blah blah blah you are a biter. If you yourself are saying or trying to imply that you will do something to someone that pisses you off on the internet, you are just lame and should buy my f-body.

no im not saying that :lol: read my post above, thats what i meant

It wasnt just directed to you.


Wow - again I go to class and shit gets out of control. I think I am going to drop out of school just to keep an eye on the day crew.

This is a parody thread. I never said anything that would be consider provoking about muscle50. If that was my intent, I would have made some stab about following too close, or driving too fast for the rain in my tank of a car, or something dumb like that. I didn’t. The mental image of me getting all worked up because a cop cut me off sounded funny to me. You need to relax.

Back to our regularly scheduled funny.


*Note, I have not once contributed to any of these threads, my reply is based purely on observation and by the fact that in real life I can be an asshole , both in a sarcastic form and serious form. I know how to push peoples buttons. That being said, this is a parody thread blanketed over a subtle shout out to Jesse (M50) stirring the pot, and pushing his buttons. His reply is justifyable in my book…carry on with the banter:)


no no jojo that wasnt what i meant by that, i was just saying jesse isnt afraid to say the same stuff he says online to someones face


I know i know…I was just fucking with ya brOham…lol


*Note, I have not once contributed to any of these threads, my reply is based purely on observation and by the fact that in real life I can be an asshole , both in a sarcastic form and serious form. I know how to push peoples buttons. That being said, this is a parody thread blanketed over a subtle shout out to Jesse (M50) stirring the pot, and pushing his buttons. His reply is justifyable in my book…carry on with the banter:)


Thanks for telling me what I intended in a post I made. Good thing others speak for me, or else I’d have no idea what I am doing.


Thanks for telling me what I intended in a post I made. Good thing others speak for me, or else I’d have no idea what I am doing.


You’re stirring the pot…to deny that is purely BS.

I’m stirring a different pot.



Hahahahahahah i fucking love this i can kick your ass so how dare you say something i dont want to hear shit. Give me a break.





Allow me to translate with spaces and punctuation.


I fucking love this “I-can-kick-your-ass—so-how-dare-you-say-something-I-don’t-want-to-hear” shit.

Give me a break.


No way man i did the retarted ass spaces and puncuation on purpouse to portray the mentality of the e-thug. Dont ruin it like that, or esle you will meet me in person someday and i wont be nice to you. LOL

  1. This is the internet, and it’s a local forum. What you say on here will have some effect on what people think of you. It’s not so much “the internet” vs “real life”, because what I say on here to let’s say, for instance, chino… is pretty much the same thing i’d say to him in real life.

What people have to be able to decipher is the different personalities some may possess online - and in real life. People also have to realize that they are a lot different online then they are in real life. I happen to think that I’m not one of those people. I’m not just talking about being a toughguy and saying I can beat xxxxxx up and whatever, I’m talking about overall online persona.

  1. I don’t care how tough you are, I don’t care how many fights you’ve won, I don’t care how well you throw down - shut the fuck up about it. You want to fight? Go spar somewhere. Fighting is great, if you don’t have a family, any possessions, or any friends.

That being said, you may have won a lot of fights and may have never gotten put into your place, but you never know who will surprise you one day and fuck you up for the rest of your life, there’s no fucking point. Get over yourselves. All this because some random person you don’t know assaulted your pride? Is this what society is nowadays?

Before you start pointing fingers at me and calling me a hypocrite - ask me why I train - it’s because of douchebags that may be like you who want to fight over no fucking reason. Ok, I bumped into at a packed bar, you’re going to get bumped into, is it really worth fighting over it? So, I called you a pussy. On a web forum. I’ve never met you before, but you’re a pussy. “OH SHIT, I’M GOING TO SNAP YOUR NECK.” Grow the fuck up. You mess with the wrong person and your life is over. Either you get your neck snapped, or you settle a lawsuit in court for millions of dollars that you don’t have. You’ll never see me start a fight, but I will defend myself as necessary and if that means beating you to a pulp so you can’t come at me anymore, so be it.

  1. Stop being a fucking sackrider. So you’re friends with someone who has been in a bunch of fights. WooooOOO! Awesome! So by association - you’re pretty good at fighting also right? Wrong. Shut the fuck up, it has nothing to do with you. All you’re doing is stroking an ego that obviously doesn’t need to be stroked anymore.

These are little tidbits of information that I share to you (as in everyone) to not get banned on this site - and perhaps maybe help you with some more sound decisions in REAL life.

As for this thread, I won’t close it yet, but shit, you fuckers need to get laid, or lay off the 'roids.


Honestly, I think it would be funny as shit. You beat Jim up, he calls the police, you get arrested. He then calls a lawyer and takes everything you have and everything you will ever have. You have to change your screen name from Muscle50 to MuscleITakeTheBusEverywhere.

Grow up. This isn’t highschool where things get settled at 3pm by the flagpole. You shouldn’t be surprised that people will constantly provoke you when you react like this because it’s pretty amusing.


normally i disagree with you but you have hit the nail on the head here sir. For today you are a god among men


I was making a joke out of all the i bet bet you wont say this stuff to the guys face shit that people keep tossing around. If you couldnt figure that out then sorry. Here ill say it in a way easier to understand. If you are saying some stupid crap like he is someone to watch out for blah blah blah you are a biter. If you yourself are saying or trying to imply that you will do something to someone that pisses you off on the internet, you are just lame and should buy my f-body.






Let me know when you’re coming to Buffalo next. I would like to meet you and buy you a round for giving me something reasonable and intelligent to read today. :tup:

OT: Howie, can I have my custom title back yet?

your thinking rationally again howie. Stop that shit and lets kill some terrorists!

Does this thread make anyone else think of this?

No way dude i am like 7% BF and took jujitsu. You stand no chance, ill will PWN you then make a gay sex vid while you are passed out and host it on youtube. BTW thanks for saying what i was trying to say in a much more in depth easier to understand way.