Who drives.....

he was ahead. you got pwnt. did he put his hazards on?

Or course he was ahead of me.I was right behind him.

When he hit it from a first gear roll his car lifted the front tires and he rode it out for like 10 feet.And I couldn’t see his hazards.I was blinded by the ghey Euros.:roll2:

:lol: , cory =)

how long have you been on here again :burnin:

hazards FTW! :funny:

I will show both of you up with the bronco.

mustang stock?? and automatic???, then it is a slow POS

Wow… so um what the fu*k did I miss here… LZ seems like a hardass (which I hope everyones just joking around in this thread), dont really know either of these two guys but this is getting to be amusing

Similar user names posting very similar threads one after another. I thought it was suspicious. But whatever.

uhh yeaaaaaa both threads have nothing to do with each other…

dood LZ’s car pwns everything out there, you didnt know?

I want LZ to have my children because his 02 auto stang is so fast.

wow he lifted the front tires on the street for 10ft? i knew his car was fast but dayum, and to think i was gonna call him out…

You should stop posting before I have to embarrass you a 2nd time…

So LZ has an average mustang but thinks it’s the fastest ever? And whenever he is called out he acts like a dick so not many people like him? Thats what I’m getting outta this. Hard to see through all the sarcasm when it’s typed not spoken.

Edit: ^ Wrong

average mustang?!

heck nah bro.

if u new LZ u wund’nt be talkin shit.

LOL wtf is going on

Heh,You couldn’t embarrass a stock v6 accord.

If you call that a race.I’ll cya around again.Then you can report back to these here forums crying about how you got pulled on by a Thunderclucker.

Uh I won you admitted it…

Please don’t run your mouth

I could always bust out the :tspry: on you

I’m pretty sure LZ would just steal your car if you beat him… He’d probably steal your car if you lost too…

Sir kiss your car goodbye. LZ gonna rob yo shit