Who else is working Friday? 11/23

kustom workz


I think i’m going in to the office…nothing else to do, might as well work


werd, I may do the same.

pick up some OT… we’ll see how I feel after turkey day

I would be leaving but the NHL rocks…7:30 home game tonight…and Friday night.


anyone with a real job probably won’t be working.

all you suckers with shitty retail jobs get a big LOL from Chris N.


lol… :word:

Probably working full day today then off till Monday.


I hear you’re banging your boss’s wife. :sario::nono:


why do you think I wanted off on Friday. She’s on vacation also.

not me , 4 day weekend here :smiley:


I think i’m going in to the office…nothing else to do, might as well work



4 day weekend ftw

Out at 2:00 today and then a 4 day weekend…

4 am - 10 pm at my seasonal job FTL…at least we get a 3 hr free lunch at macaroni grille

4 day weekend for new era though.

Ive been on vacation for a month now. :slight_smile:

I’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving V2 with the out-laws. They got Sabre’s tix for us all for Friday so we’re having a big thanksgiving dinner Friday then going to the game.

Working a full day today. Then coming in friday for a few hours to get some stuff out since theres nothing better to do. Mine as well make some money.


Working a full day today. Then coming in friday for a few hours to get some stuff out since theres nothing better to do. Mine as well make some money.



actually fuck it, I’m taking the day off

no way am I driving on NFB on black friday… fuck that

i’m leaving at 3 to head out to NYC for the long weekend!! can’t wait.

Black Friday for me then off to work for a half of a half day

ugh ill be working.

wrd…i am gonna leave early today… im out in about an hour