new from schenectady

big plus rep.

I agree with everything you and Dave said 100%.

A little background on ole’ Krazykid. highschool i was told I was good with computers. I graduated and took a year off and worked with my fathers construction company. People said I would never go back to school, that’s only true for people that don’t have a drive to succeed. I worked hard, saved my money, knew right away I thought I didnt want to be swinging a hammer for 50 years and went to school for computer science since I was good at computers. Got my degree and with in a few months I was working in my field at GE. in the last 9 years I changed job locations, 4 times. Each was in the same job description, but a little more money each time, and all but one were overlapping, no unemployment time. This is with a so called saturated market for IT jobs. The only time I was unemployed for 2 months were because I was working on the side making 50hr doing computer shit and said you know what I want some of my tax money back, Ill take that $4xx a week from the state! FU NYS. Woke up one day, said ill look for a job today, a weeks time I was sitting back at a cube, working for NYS doing more computer shit.

It really isnt hard, it just takes drive. Like he said, its all the people looking for the easy way out that fail. I am not the brightest blub in the bunch, but I base most of my decisions on common sense and being aware of my surroundings, and it seems to be keeping me moving forward.

With that being said, I am looking to quit my computer shit job! lol I still have 6$K left on my damn school loan too. I have something stable now, and I am making the most money I have to date, and doing the least amount of actually work I have to date… but I honestly feel I lost a little self worth. My wants, I am trying to change into my needs… for me to reach my goals. if that makes any sense. when I am 40, 11 years from now. I WANT a family, a wife, a bigger house, more land, my own business, making more money than I WANT to spend, and have something steady that I know will pay for my lifestyle, as long as my effort to succeed is still there with it. Now for those wants, I have associated NEEDS (goals). two of which I will accomplish this summer, and should be on a path to make the rest much easier to attain.

My rant patting myself on my back is to show that effort has its good rewards… especially if this ratard can do it! :thumbup