Who gets the flu? Honestly.

I asked about it again when I put the Eclipse on my policy, the woman at the office stares at me like I have six heads and tells me that I have to call claims, claims office says that its all based on the local office my policy is through. They’re giving me the run around and it’s getting harder to track down who they tell me to talk to.

Nicole if that is true you have no reason to be eating that.

Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer. Call a lawyer.

Bla, do you have a BF? Whenever my GF gets problems over BS like this I just handle it.

She isn’t assertive enough. People in general, suck.

First thought in my head was:

“WTF is he talking about, I’m not eating anything…”


Ive never had a flu shot and I havent been to a doctor in atleast 8 years.

I mean eating the cost of the accident/repairs.

You receive a bill for the damage to the guard rail yet?

When you do you’ll wish you had a lawyer.

There was no damage to the guard rail man. That fucker was SOLID.

Unless she didn’t check the fine print where it could say it’s due that day at 12:00am or she’s fucked. She should be reading into her policy. By having their insurance, she’s agreed to everything in the ‘fine print.’ I’d still get ahold of a lawyer because it is bullshit.

The guiderail will be $$$ to fix. I don’t know if Vlad’s gotten his bill yet, but I know he only fucked up one of the SMALL posts for ‘support’ and Brooks (his dad owns a guiderail company) said it’ll prolly cost around $3000 to fix it.

My friend got billed for the telephone pole he drove his Tempo thru. His insurance covered it though.

No shit. He had insurance. That’s what it’s for.

Honestly, there was nothing fucked up about the guard rail that I hit. Nothing. Not a bend, not a scratch. It just destroyed the Jetta and went about it’s day.

  1. Get phonebook.
  2. Go to L in the yellow pages.
  3. Look for lawyer.
  4. Call said lawyer, explain situation.
  5. Profit!


I’ll get in touch with a few and see what they have to tell me.

In reality he probably never shouldve gotten a bill in the first place though- his insurance company should have.

Too bad he killed that car. It was pretty quick. 3.0 v6 and a 5 speed in a two door Tempo. He was only out $90 or so anyway because he bought it for less than $100.

Pussy I worked at a hospital for 3 years and never got sick

I never got sick when I worked at the hospital either, but so far at this place I have had bronchitis, and the flu.

Most times a doctor will send you a ‘bill’ but it’s not really a bill. It’s just a paper explaining the cost of what was done, yada yada yada… At the bottom, it should say “This is not a bill. Do not pay this amount.”

Yeah, Ive seen those but this really was an actual bill. He had to call his insurance company to get it taken care of.

Nope. There’s a state required grace period for late car insurance payments. It’s like 30 or 60 days.

I’d bet money you’re covered. Getting the run around isnt good enough - of course they’re going to give you the run around, they dont want to pay it!

Call a lawyer and hope you filed a claim within the window to do so.