Who goes to what gym

^^^I used to go to that PF. It Hated it… It seemed like every machine you wanted to get on youd have to wait for. And if you tried to use something else while you waited somebody would jump on the machine you were originaly waiting for in the first place.


Started going to the one in Rotterdam, but they didn’t have as many cardio machines, etc…

Shitty give and take between the two.

well u suck meat so its acceptable for u to go there.

y u have to deal with that a lot RYAN? next time tell sean to be more quiet when he is behind u.


Thats the one I go to also. I dont think Ive seen you there before but I go any time between 1:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon depending on when I get out of work.

I fucking hate that. I just go in to change my shoes (wet shoes in the gym ftl) and take my coat off and piss and I see a bunch of naked old guys walking around with no clothes on. Fucking nasty. I change my clothes at work just to make the locker room time shorter.

I think Best Fitness in Albany had that problem in the men’s steam room a while back and they had to close it for a while. I hate fags.

schenectady BEST here.

but i dont know u so i would have no idea what u look like. also im there 5-6.

Were you there last night? I saw a guy that I thought might have been you there. I got there around 4:30. I go m,w,f after work.
Older pic:

i was there but got there at like 5 so prob wasnt me
ps: cant view pic at work.
pss: might have been me if u got there at 4:30
psss: prob was me

I left at about 5:30. The only fairly new pics Ive got are myspace pics but theres some old pics of me in the working on your car thread.

Go to the Y in CP… Usually from 9PM to closing. There’s no one there at that time and I pretty much have all the weights to myself- too bad I only use the treadmill though for now…

The Y in Guilderland. Usually ball for a half an hour then lift.

jeff when we going?

I usually go there between 630 and 7…but seeing as how I got 3 weeks off paid, Im taking the chance to work hard, I wanna lose 20 lbs in 3 weeks, and I know I can do it, Im gonna go to the gym everyday for about a hour and a half …so I ll prolly be there around 3-5ish


my goal is 300lb’s by summer. im at 240 now, so only 60 more to gain

wow , thats crazy lol, Im tryin to make myself look like I did when I was in HS :smiley:

post pics of said highschool look.

and no im not trying to get to 300lb.

I would definately like to lose 20+ pounds. I was down to 235 over the summer but now Im at 250. Id really like to be around 220 but I probably wont get down that much.

I tend to eat when Im bored and eat shit food while at work.

Planet fitness normally in CP

You are trying to lose weight too fast.