Who goes to Wyotech in Blairsville??????

Yea, thats the one in Blairsville. Thanks for lookin out guys!

that sucks and feel your pain with my 84 GP primer red beast was stolen. I hope they were disappointed with the 110HP v6 that did not get swap out yet :wink:

Not very close to me, but will keep my eye out. (For what’s left of it)

What u going to school for matt ?

Police Academy

No leads yet?

No, I talked to a few other people that said it was most likely the Wyotecher’s …I doubt they will ever find it now…

Hopefully they’re stupid and will flash around something that’s yours.

Blairsville is only 20 miles from me, and alot of stuff comes into Johnstown from there and vice versa.

You could get lucky like TJ from Domination. The asshole who stole it never left the neighborhood.

sorry to hear…hopefully something comes up.

Wtf, I may be going there for school. I’ll kill if someone touches my car.

Yea, good luck with that dude.

sucks, Hope you find it. Like everyone has said, the parts are probably strewn about a few hondas in town(i dont give people the benifit of being smart enough to get rid of the evidence). Start floating around hangout spots.

Im sure they stripped the fucking thing in Wyo, see if you can talk to someone there if they saw a black civic being dismantled by students.

LIke i said, the kids that took it are probably idiots.

Sucks to hear this. Car theft sucks. It happened to me many years ago. Luckily my car was found a week later, almost completely intact. It was stolen from Monroeville & found in Cranberry Twp.

BTW…They are not “Wyotecher’s”, they are “Wyotards”. I know a few people who have hired some of them & that’s what they call them.

Good luck. I hope it shows up.

that was sooooo gay. he had the car for maybe 3 months. i helped him do the swap and other crap so it really pisses me off too. i used to visit my girl up iup but always parked at her places and never in a lot. there are tons of dsm’s and hondas up there so i bet those parts are on like 10 cars now with the obvious parts like the wheels being sold somewhere that isn’t local. fuckers!

UPDATE: I got a voice mail from the insurance company today, they said my car was found, “severly daamaged” in Loraine Ohio. I havent spoken to my insurance agent since it was located so I dont know exactly what severly damaged means, but Im guessing its stripped. So the person that took it lives near Cleveland and most likely goes to Wyotech or IUP. There’s a pretty good chance they will catch the fucker now since we know pretty much where he lives… Just have to put two and two together.

There has to be a way to get hold of a student directory. Hunt em down.

glad they found it but sucks too.
find out who did it and post that shit up

Hopefully they will find all your shit as well. Goodluck.

For sure, there has to be a way. Post some pics of what is left, if you even decide to keep the shell…