who has experience with skyline motors in 240s??

im know basiaclly nothing about the RB series motors from the skyline, ive had an offer to buy for my 240sx, im looking for any info you guys have

like ease of installation

power output

SR vs RB

costs. etc.etc.etc

what rb is it? rb20, rb25 or rb26?? the 20 and 25 installation isnt too bad, and put out fairly good hp for the size. the rb26 on the other hand, your getting your self into a whole nother relm, and lots of cash to get it installed. if your getting a good price on one i say go for it, theres to many sr’s running around

///\ hahahahahaha, this is gonna be used for a long time to come…lol



ooooooh Wharf owns Picard…:smiley:

Accepted Answer:

Hi eldrifto, thanks for your question and in a few short minutes we’ll give you an answer.

In this episode of day’s of son240sx we will further explore Gonad’s 2psi boost issue, talk about why Mike doesn’t know how to use google and berate another sonling about why they should never do a frame job…

Now to eldrifto’s original question…

  1. Go outside and take a picture of your 240sx
  2. Open Internet Explorer, browse to http://www.trader.ca
  3. Have credit card ready, create an ad to sell your 240sx
  4. Sell 240sx
  5. Buy a Ford
  6. Profit from never having to search google, ever.

our forum actually has a sticky on all the engine comparisons… u just gota click technical section? i think… sigh do rb25… the end


whats a skyline motor…