Who has turned on their heat?

i like my 125 month gas bill

Nope, may fire up the fireplace though tonight depending on how it is when I get home. It was still 70° downstairs, and a good 5+° warmer upstairs when i got up this morning.

Still have the AC in the bedroom window, but not turned on. Probably another month or so (normally around Nov 1st) I plastic all the windows and seal everything up tight.

My office will stay warm no matter what… Computer, Stereo, and 55G Aquarium set at 78°… it’s always warm in there… even when I don’t want it to be…

I’ve gotta re-do a lot of the ducting in my house this month though… who ever changed my house years ago to forced-air did all the intakes/outlets backwards… just figured that out this year (never paid attention before)… all the outlets are in the middle of the house with the inlets at the outside… and the thermostat in the middle… so it doesn’t heat very well. Fucking morons…

Thats my summer gas bill. Im on budget and that about the lowest it get all year and in winter sneaks up to $250 in the daed middle of winter.

holy shit… I’ve never seen a gas bill over 60 in the summer

this ranch is insulated really well, I havent needed to turn on my heat yet.
Another month and I’ll start burning wood in the wood burner.
I wont turn the heat on until its colder at night.

ranch = double wide?

my gas bill is 125-150 in summer and 200 in winter on budget… i also have a ~3000 SFT house

not turning it on till first snow. fuck the gas company. mid-upper 60’s next week anyways.


Ha… my gas bill is 40 something in the summer(no budget plan), 180-200 in the coldest months of winter, 2400 sq/ft. 70 degrees when we’re awake, 67 @ night, 65 during the day when we’re at work.

Sounds like you need to put some money into insulation.

That shrink wrap stuff window stuff does make a big difference if you have bad windows.

Pick a good cold windy day before the snow comes and go around looking for drafts. That great stuff expanding foam works wonders for filling in drafts. Just be careful how much you use because it REALLY expands.

Check your attic to make sure some idiot hasn’t pushed the insulation back in some critical spot to gain access to something. If you have older recessed lights check and see how the insulation looks around them. A lot of the older ones required you clear out the insulation because of the fire hazard, creating perfect vents to let your heating dollars escape into the attic. I believe the newer ones allow you to insulate over them.

heat is still off in my house and i live with 4 girls. lol.

i sleep with a fan off too.

I’m $60/mo summer, $250 worst in the winter (Jan/Feb), that was last winter when I barely used the fireplace. 70 when people are home 65 when no one is home… 1700sqft house (1940 with an OLD heating system)

i have a fireplace but it has not been used in 30 some years and i was told not to use it when i bought the house :gotme: my heating system is from 1981 i will be putting a new one in when taxes come in


no heat yet, window wide open and fan still on. I prefer sleeping at ice box temperatures

i have a wood burning stove and i freakin LOVE it. a few logs lasts all day. I have had the house up to 94* one time (i over did it a bit) but it was worth every penny i spent on it.

how many of you with the heat off have kids under 5?

do you have a magic heat thing on the pipe??

we have a area for a large stove in the kitchen but i dont know if i want to go wood or coal… we will also be looking into this but i need to get my wood stock up lil more and i want a/c and better heat first… i have a small one in the garage and love it

yeah, wood burners RULE

just hate how dry it can make the house (grew up in a house that had one). Shit sounds like a freight train when ya get it really cooking lol

no heat as of yet… just had a new furnace installed last week.

I will come on when the Girl turns it on… which might be soon. Boy will I miss my $23 gas bills

yea… mines been on… its been chilly… the pets dont like 55 degrees.

bandoh… lets doo lunch again soon