Who is going to the lot tonight... V2.0

That and the tranny issues they always seem to have.

so jeff and his stang ate a loss…bet that car wont be out for a couple weeks…hes going to tell everyone hes ordering parts :ninja

He’s so full of excuses its rediculous.

me and joey didnt hear a supercharger last night idk if that means there aint one or if its really quiet

On which car?
The Cobra definately has one but the ZO6 doesnt. Ive seen under the hoods of both.

I didn’t hear it when he revved but it has one, i was just messing with him.


And still won’t be able to pull on that Z06…

yea it wont pull…i didnt hear it i also wasnt payin attention so lol

he cant drive to save his life

i nevr ridden or followed him idk but i went to school with him and i didnt think hed evr come and do nething with his life lol

um cobra’s are loud as shit…and add a whipple to them, its rediculous how loud they are…

revving isnt gonna make it whine like they should…when hes on the gas and at 18psi, it screams.

heres a whipple cobra…

but in the end…no matter what jeff does to that Cobra, unless he changes it all to a nice big TT setup, it will NEVER beat tonys Z06, yet alone on spray…if tony had his bottle filled, it would have looked like he was racing a stock civic

sigh…Mustangs just can’t do the job.

Z06 ftw.


i still dont understand how the mustang got owned that bad, it has “600whp” (his words) I’m not sure about the vette but off spray I doubt he has that much, so either mustang fanboi is lying about his power or he really cant drive worth a shit.

iirc the Z06 has 580rwhp off spray? the Cobra prolly has low 500’s rwhp

oh the asshole said he had 600 to me :wtf

z06 is 556 on motor, 670 on giggle gas

Id say both.

Oy. the stang isnt tuned? and the Z06 has mod’s… plus jeff from what everyone says can’t drive. Don’t really get how he can mess up from a roll, but in any event i wouldnt expect him come even close to the Z06 anyways.

apparently it’s tuned now, running 18.5 psi.

did he say what whp it made? the car is also like what? 3900lbs?

the new Z06’s are like carbon fiber, aerodynamic, super cars basically. he would need a massive HP lead to come close.

he doesn’t know what whp it makes, never dynoed, nothing. He uses his butt dyno.

The C6 Z06 weighs 3,132 lbs. 500 pounds isn’t making that much of a difference here.