Who is hiring?

Me and my partner at my last job were fired for tracking “mud” (just water as it was raining and the water discolored the rugs seeing as it was wet) into the bosses house while doing our job. He called up and had us both fired. Needless to say, I want a decent paying job. I dont care if it is hard labor, or even sitting on a computer all day. Im from West Seneca so nothing outside of like 15 miles. Alot of bills and what not, anyone know of something?

$1 I touch it
$2 I touch it while I touch my toes
$5 you touch it
$10 …


good luck i cant find anything either

Im gonna go NYspeed ahole on you and make fun of you for saying me and my partner. . . Its “My partner and I”

Maybe they fired your for your sub par grammar.


If you need to get by just as a temp look at landscaping this time of the year.


$1 I touch it
$2 I touch it while I touch my toes
$5 you touch it
$10 …



How much for a Z-job??? :lol:

Just start filing out applications/handing in resumes. The more you get out there, the better chance you have of finding something good.

looking for a evening/night job to finance transmission

classifieds plus. Im too lazy to give you the deatails


good pay, decent job.

lol i know someone that works there and she loves the job

its a good job for while you are in school, or really stupid and with no career goals.

$10/hr, flexible schedule…

edit: the guy on the main page of that site is matt keleman. I have never laughed so hard at someone in my whole life. He thinks he is hot shit because hes salesman of the month. Bad news matt, I make more money than you, and have been out of school for -3 months…

lol i texted her to see if she knows who matt keleman is lol

You don’t even mention what type of work you are interested in doing.

Posting a “find me a job” type post with no information will get no results.

i knwo goodyear on union and french is hiring for one general tech so first come first hired. u need to pass a hair drug test.


You don’t even mention what type of work you are interested in doing.

Posting a “find me a job” type post with no information will get no results.


eh its assumed hes looking for BS jobs, so he better be flexible…

im also in the market for a job, but i need a waiting job and will take nothing else. when school starts, i dont want to be fucked for money.

if anyone needs a job PM me. the place i work at needs ppl, it would most likely be second shift.