Who is into Metal (general metal category)?

I wish…but Tim’s too wrapped up in fucking Bloodsimple…I think they’re on tour with Korn :gay

Korn is pretty fuckin bad. SOME boodsimple is alright. It’s wierd how vod came out with “from bliss to devastation” which i saw as attempt for him to prove he could sing to critics and then they just formed a semi-new band and continued on with a similiar style as bliss. Their self-titled, Imprint, and For the Bleeders all thoroughly rocked the goats knob in a different fashion. I guess they have some re-union shows once in a while down in the long island.

Anyone like Bleeding Through??? i think they’re fuckin awesome. :nod

they are pretty good

bleeding through is fucking sick i saw em when they came to northern lights

Word. The selftitled was/is still epic/legendary…Imprint was by far the best written and had a great raw sound…and For the Bleeders was a good mature followup. I had a leaked copy of ‘what you are’…‘imprint’…and ‘colorblind’ off the Imprint disc before it was released, and they came to Valentines later that week with I think Will Haven. My friend Eric and I were the only ones that knew the lyrics and a two man pile-on Tim when they played ‘what you are’ and ‘imprint’ at that show. Tim was like “the shit’s not even released yet…how the fuck you guys know the words already?”. It was funny as hell.

Anywho…any of you guys in or have been in bands?

good band

we need more hardcore bands local

yes we do but finding venues is the hard part winners is gonna get tore down valentines sucks now and northern lites is a joke

northern lights is gonna get shut down 2 cuz of outstand taxes like 30k in taxes r over due i saw it in the paper like a month ago i wnt evr go to nothern lights again neways to fuckin crowded for my likings

last time i was there was for the hatebreed show a couple months ago

…no shit. getting wasted in the parking lot was always a good time tho.

Any Candiria fans… even though there last album was kinda mehh…

ahhhhhhhhh candiria theres a name i aint heard of in awhile deff a good band

Ken Schalk from Candiria was one of my main drumming influences for the past 12 years. I can’t even count how many times I’ve seen them.

There are still some decent shows around…mostly just diy shows that aren’t promoted that good. I’ve been doing shows in Johnstown for the last few years, and now my old guitar player took over full duties. We’ve been seeing alot more kids from the Albany area coming down than there are local kids.

i listen to shit like bullets for my valentire, the blood brothers, the stiletto formal, and i killed the prom queen

Just came across a new one to me guys:

Disarmonia Mundi

Check them out!

im into metal… anything with a good grind to it…
typical metal i listen to is slayer, lamb of god, pantera, hatebreed, heldunder(brokeup) burial, morbid angel, overkill, killswitch, death, etc etc… last show i went to was hell yeah at northernlites… they were pretty much the only band i got into that night.

So i was looking for some new bands to listen to, and i remembered there was a thread for it. I know of a few bands that i want, but WHERE do you get your music? I use www.lala.com to trade/buy music at a good price. What do you guys use?

i was using an old version of limewire until it automatically updated itself and got all lawful like. i pretty much just use soulseek now… slow as hell but gets me where i gotta go… also curious what everyone else uses to get music…

i just use itunes… if not i have a buddy that rips mp3 cds until i find the actual bands cd either at fye, cocos or itunes…
most of the local under ground shit your probly going to have a better time finding it networking with other people, or on ocasion fye has some local shit. I can probly get you a ton of underground local shit if you want… ill just make a call to my friend and see what he has.