Who is the direct tv employee on here? *Now w/ pics*

I thought there was an installer for direct tv on the board. I need to PM you about a dish placement question on my recent install. I don’t wanna get anyone in trouble and need to know if I have a valid complaint.


somedude and justin

tour also is i believe

carbonfiberhooded, or maybe he was dish?

pm me or post it here with pics.

I’ll pm you when I get home with pics. Its about the dish placement on the back of my house. I think he was just lazy, the dish is honest to god smack dab in the middle of the back house wall. It looks fuckin horrible. I think I’d rather deal with shitty cable than have this dish where it is.

Post pics or shoot pm a PM with pics, and if you have many trees in the SW sky take pics of them too. Where are you located?

you still live in will’s house?

Yeah hes with dish.

you can post the pic on here if you like. don’t worry about getting the guy in trouble… i will take care of that for you, and by getting him in trouble I mean filing a damage claim for the side of the house (even though it will likely get denied if the paperwork was signed) and getting the tech called into the office at 6:30 in the morning for a circle jerk.



Thanks again for taking care of this… that’s awesome. Guy fucked up my floor too, I’ll have the g/f show you that when you come over, or whomever comes over to fix it.

No drip lupes or ground block wtf! no reason to put at that location. also shingles suck to mount into.What a tard.

seriously he could have went 5 feet higher and went into the roof and attached the cable to the gutter or at least next to it rather than having the line run the way it was.

not to mention when he drilled through the house he cracked the shingle, he drilled an unnecessary hole in a bedroom floor because there was already a cable hole 5 ft away that my g/f told him about. no sawdust was picked up from him drilling either, why is it my job to pick up after him?

Whit cable probably would have looked better too. When Justin did mine, he did a fantastic job. It probably would have taken an extra 5 minutes to do it right.

I hated shingles.plus the roof is much more permanent.Less likely to go out on a day like today.In this downpoor I have yet to lose signal.

The back left corner of the roof would be perfect, I could have even dealt with back right corner.

Kinda OT: Do you guys recommend those satellite blanket / jacket things? I’ve never had a dish before so I don’t know how temperamental they are with snow etc.


atleast its low enough that in the winter when we get sticky snow u can brush it off :slight_smile:

Did the tech ask you where you wanted it?? I normally just go with what the customer wants if its possible.

Putting them that low usually indicates a lazy tech that didn’t want to get the ladder off the truck.

The covers are a waste. Throw some Rain-X on it. Or wing snowballs at it. Thats what I do.