who is the original owner?

Assuming that im correct about periwinkle/eggplant coupes with no sunroofs, would i be correct as to think that the car i now oen is this, just with a sil front?

89 coupe(oct88 prod)
full multilink/arms
17x9 +20 falken hanabis

Now, i got the car off some guy in the missisauaga area.

Is this the same car?

Anyone have any rumours, stories or anything on this? I remember it vividly from a c7 cruise from ages ago and i think i now own it. Pics up of recent in a lil bit. I think the orig owner was JAVAL? Seems like this was a pretty one of a kind, popular car, OG son240, 4-8 yrs ago

Original owner was Pavel.

That was my friend matt’s car you bought here in Mississauga.

Now, I have not been able to confirm, is this a original colour? I have never seen it except on mine, yet the paint is everywhere in and out, more than a sop would ever go. Does anyone have pics or have seen one the eggplant colour before?

Yes, its the original colour. I think its called lavender frost.

Anyone have a front end this colour?
I hate the sil front

you gonna part this out?

this car was awesome when Pavel got in troubel in it :slight_smile:

story time bingzors

truly OG whip right here.

man that picture brings me back.