Who is this guy?

Bing when is your next meet?

I found out who the guy is that I mention in my first post. It’s (dk_fabiosantos ) I know 2 guys very well and he sold them crappy parts and when they tried to get there money back he called the cops.

two-tone as well
he garantee’d two-tones money back if the brakes wernt ABS or were ABS or something,

then when two-tone tried to return the oem calipers the next day, he told him to leave & that there was no garantee. ( something about fighting )

either way -1

lol correct im not back till tuesday.

however as i write this… its tuesday… so im back.



kevin black and grey is the scammer i know through averageplayer, took a whole front end and then dissapeared

tim if this guy is a buddy of yours why dont you be the hero, solve the problem and post his address here and in the thread on neo so people can take care of their problems they have with him?

I heard from someone that he (Kevin) moved to Montreal or something… it could be just a rumor though…

Hey he has been trying to help out on Neo already.
and its WAS a buddy Tim got screwed in the end too


HAHA! ca18det IS KEVIN GREY AND BLACKK! he shit talked about me on my forsale thread saying im a scammer, when i havent sold much at all LOLL

i remember back 2 years ago he sold my friend a stolen 240sx. all vins where taken out the windshield was broken right on top of the vin on the dash to be removed, 2 lug nuts on each wheel, and the key falls out while the car is on! LOLLL

ANYWAYSS WHERES MRSYNISTER? i need to get my deposit back from him. and his pm’s dont work. if anyone has his contact number or something pm me!

ooyea for those that are misunderstanding about mrsynister, im not saying hes a bad guy. i just read through this and all of a sudden i saw deposit soo i just remembered that i left a deposit to that guy and i lost his contact number.

Sorry dude but I hate when people talk about me whitout knowing exactly what happen!
As a truly lover and a person that try the most to respect the laws as a good Canadian Landed Immigrant that I try to be I did and I’ll call the cops for anyone that decides for noreason to install “without my permission” his own plates or touch one of my cars “been the cars MY PRIVATE PROPERTY” and after bringing friends to park his car in the end of my lineway actting suspecious in the dark night,touching my car.
“I just did what the book says”, other than that I could act like in the country I came from using the traditional punching and kicking way “which after 8 years of brazilian jiu-jitsu,3 year of UCC trainning it’'ll be a pleasure for me to do”.
So now you “draggone” knowing a little bit of what really happened if you don’t like the “right” way that I deal with that type of people, you can come to my home and do the same as he did and it will be a pleasure to not call the cops for you but do the tradicional way if it is the way you prefer!
About selling something that is not as people think it is I sugest before anyone to decide to buy any kind of car to learn a bit about it before buying.
PLus this is for you “draggone” your friend came with his mechanic and made me to do the compression test on my car which was perfect as 160psi for all cylinders, he saw that car for more then 2 weeks almoust everyday and his mechanic said in front of him that everything was perfect, so I can’t and I’ll not give nothing back or regret my word after someone taking my car for more than 1 week driving and after that coming back talking shit!
Just to finish this: I did call the cops after all just because he came to my home when I was not at home when he came to install his own plates in my car.
So if you don’t mind people install their own plates in your car it’s your problem, I personally hate it!


what about the time during DAYLIGHT when sold jeff aka two-tone-two-forty ABS rear calipers and garantee’d they wern’t ABS , and garantee’d they would work,
and if they didnt work , he could come back and get his 100 bucks back.

Now when they didn’t work,
& when they ended up being ABS calipers ,
he tried to get his 100 dollars back properly , in the day light , no suspusicious alley creeping.

& you told him you’d kick his ass , then after the responses were just as roudy , you said you would call the cops.

Its not that you are a criminal,

just dont make promises , garantees, etc, if your not going to keep your word

like your signature says , keep your word , buddy.

I was there and witness’d you telling jeff you would return that 100 bucks.

I was also there the next week when you told him to fuck off.

this thread got boring fast… fabio retort!

wow…8 years of brazilian jiu-jitsu,3 year of UCC trainning… that really makes people shit their pants…this UFC shit is really going to guys heads…it would have been better if you just didn’t say anything…I honestly don’t care what you do…and you don’t know draggone so it would do better not to threaten him cause you don’t know what he is packing and if he is crazy…In our country talk like that can get you shot… so quit with all the internet badboy shit…simply put he asked and came up with your name deal with it…LOL

Dude I think you are on drugs cause I didn’t say that to make me a stronger or better person or even more to make me “I guy that makes people shit their pants” you misunderstood what I wrote, but that is ok, people can think wherever they want to, I just said about years of martial arts to prove “at least in words” that I can go either way, but as I wrote I can go anyway all the way if it is what “you” desire and if droggone, is or not crazy, that is his problem but that he is been stupid to ask for someone that he knows, it is for sure, if he knows that I had to call the cops he knows for sure why.Not that I dislike or like someone but people should think twice before do something.
And by the way the same day that I had to call the cops and the person in this case had to call them too, We just had finish the night as We were before, no better friends no worst enemies.

ps:If someone wants to know who I’m, I don’t care them to come to my garage to talk (give me a call before decide to come,lol) I’m not as bad as some guys here are thinking.

i will kick all of your asses, 3 on 1, any day of the week…

at goldeneye, on N64, in the stack, power weapons…

^dude I will own you, any level, pistols, with goldengun activated…

If you did all this training, why did you get beaten up!!! lol lol lol. And you started crying on the phone saying you have kids and please do not come over. What do I smell PUSSY!!!. You are a f**king thief. You sell people bad parts and do not give them their money back.

lololololololo you made my day man thanks!lol


I would hope that in ’ our country ’ we had enough balls left in the younger generation to handle things with their fists. Guns… makes every pissant think he’s a big man on campus… Respect isn’t given at the point of a gun… it’s earned… you want to talk tough… be a man and do it with fists… if you win or loose, you get respect. If your afraid of getting hurt … STFU and go play barbie…