Who knows grass???

White vinegar sprayed on will kill it. Roudup work great, but is pretty expensive. You can get a huge jug of white vinegar at trader horn or sams club for cheap. Someone suggested bleach, and that works also. Vinegar seesm to work a little better though. My wife tried both of them this year to see which did a better job.


I’ll probably have to get a concentrate in bulk since i have half of a 184’x85’ lot to do.

I pulled a gas tank out of a car and set it next the house, it fell over and gas spilled onto the ground. I have tried everything and I cant get grass to grow back there. Killed it pretty quickly.

Gearhead, check your pm for some more info on buying bulk

thanks… got it.

diesel fuel .

I just brush-cut almost an acre, and I want to kill everything that’s left too (weeds and roots of the brush I cut), but I want to be able to seed it with grass after that.
Any ideas on doing that?

round up.

Roundup is weak. (stuff in stores, anyway)

Gasoline. Nothing will ever grow back where you put gasoline.

But White Vinegar is cheaper than gasoline I think. Works great as well.

That’s the thing though. I don’t want “nothing to ever grow there again”. i just want to kill off the nasty stuff and then seed with grass. In as short of a time span as possible.

round up. i work for a landscaping company. i wouldn’t lie. when we put in lawns, alot of times we use round up to kill all existing weeds. then 2 weeks later we put the lawn in.

pre mixed store stuff works but is a bit weak. buy the concentrate and mix it a tad stronger and its fine. the stuff i have here gets mixed 1oz per gallon.

i spend about the same on flowers a year too

haha… I DO want nothing to grow on my plot ever again!

put gas in a squirt bottle that will handle it and pretend it’s enviromentally friendly

:bowrofl: :bowrofl:


I can’t find the glyphosate in concentrate, only in round-up 50% mix. its 107 for 2.5gal at tractor supply.

Do i just spray that right out of the bottle?

Depending on type you get. You should be able to just squirt it out if a bottle. Depending on how much you have I usually connect mine to a hose so its quicker

Alright… i’ll have to probably buy some kinda sprayer.