Who knows of a Decent Contractor? [Need Behm Garage Kit Put together]

Well i just want to start off early to see if anyone knows anyone who does Garage kit builds. I was looking at this 2 Car with Workshop for my garage anyone ever heard of Behm Design?
84 lumber say they supply the material,
If anyone has worked with a behm desgin does the material come preassembled? like 4 walls and roof trusse etc? or its basically only matterial nothing more.

It look likes a pretty nice garage. Im just looking to see who could put it together.


That is just 4 sqft over the allowed limit in Town of Tonawanda Building Codes for a Garage

Private garage facilities and accessory structures shall be as follows: a maximum of 720 square feet of combined garage floor area consisting of a built-in or attached garage and/or one detached garage plus the legal one-hundred-forty-square-foot accessory structure; or private garage facilities consisting of a built-in or attached garage and/or one detached garage with a maximum combined garage floor area of 860 square feet with no accessory structure. The openings for the door or doors thereto shall not exceed nine feet in height. No private garage or other accessory structure shall be erected before the main building has been constructed, and under no condition shall a garage be used as living quarters when the same is not attached to a dwelling. No garage shall exceed 40 feet maximum dimension. No private garage, except a garage attached to a dwelling, shall exceed 15 feet in height.

The two requirement are meet with this design plan.
I plan on only making it 24ft x 35ft wide as the required spacing between between property lines and the dwelling is 3ft off the property lines.
My Lot is 41ft x 140ft deep. So considering 3 ft on both side that would make the widest i can do 35ft so its perfect.

i till want to have a backyard so that why i rather go wider then deeper.

i’ll draw up a layout of my house when i find it on google maps or something lol

The placement of the garage is alo critical.

siq red x

my dad’s a contractor
but hes booked til feb13th solid

idk if he does this shit but ill ask if ur interested

New Millenium Construction

post a link?


feb of 2010? i wont be needing the garage done until i get my existing garag demolished, foundation poured and that is not until like April/May 2009 so if he can do it around then that would be perfect.

no lmao feb09, ill pm u his number

nyspeed discount? hot dam!

prob not haha, he has no affiliation with nyspeed and im not an advertiser :stuck_out_tongue:

but i think he has an account with 84 or something, idk what that offers

I might know of some people


great work… they fixed my garage after i hit it with my truck a couple winters ago

how much are the supplies and foundation?