Who lives in/near West Palm Beach FLA?

People from Buffalo say it is expensive, BUT the jobs PAY better down here. Doing the same thing I do now (real estate) I was making about $15-20k less a year in Buffalo basically doing the same job AND paying state income tax on top of it. People think ‘making it’ in Buffalo is making like $50k a year. Shit, they even pay the mcdonalds people like $9 - $10 an hour to start down here! hahahaha!

Seriously, the cost of living may be a little higher initially if you are used to paying $500 a month rent in B-lo and step up to 1200 a month down here, but then again the quality of living, amenities, etc. is a little nicer. I do and always will love Buffalo and call it home, but for me anyways, the best possible life I could have for myself and my kid is down here.

No matter where you go, there YOU are. You have to be happy with yourself and you can be happy anywhere.