Who lost their job due to the economy?

I’m good for now, my company actually posted a 500% sales increase in 2008 :tup:

Just curious who lost a job because of the bad economy… not because you just got fired for being an idiot. Post what you did and for who:




500% sales increase, what does your company sell? food stamps? :lol:


yes its a repost … we had a who got laid off thread …somwhere

Thanks Jim … i could not find it

Obama bobble heads? “Fuck Bush” bumper sticker scrapers?

Computer software :slight_smile:

must be selling :

eccomony stimulus package v. 2.0

I got a new job, after deciding to leave my old job on my own accord. :tup:


My next guess was Snuggies.

Damn, you got me!!

We compete with Oracle in the data warehouse area. Companies want to get off Oracle to save money :tup:

things couldnt be busier…

I have a feeling alotta companies are using the failing market as an excuse to trim the fat and clean house. That of which they couldnt do before without making them look bad. Sucks, but everyone is in business for the all mighty dollar, not to single handedly turn the economy around by carrying dead weight.

You are 100% correct. My gf works for a very large investment company and that’s what they’re doing. They are still doing well even now but they are having lay-offs and blaming the economy.

:wave: I lost my job yesterday. They canned all the interns. :frowning: