who or where to mod my 360

im been tossing the idea around since i got it. and i want it done. who or where does it?

I know this has been covered a thousand of times on here but what do 360 mods entail now a days???

What are the pros and cons?

I wish more people did more RRoD repairs over mod them lol… I just got RRoD

i do it and the pros are u dont spend 60 bucks on games, no cons except if your dumb u can get banned.

Burned games is the only benefit right now. No homebrew apps or ability to boot games off the hard drive.

Its basically just changing the firmware on the dvd drive to skip checking on the DVDs.

RRoD repairs are pretty simple. Most are the GPU and CPU come separated from the board. Team Xecuter has a RRoD repair kit that allows you to reseat the chips back into the motherboard and fix it for about $10.

And what is Microsoft’s warranty again??? I know they did a bunch of extensions and such but how do I know if mine will be covered for free?

They will repair RRoDs but technically, once you open your 360 you void the warranty but people send them back all the time modded and get them back fixed.

Call Xbox and ask the process. They typically send you a box to mail it in last I heard. I think its like 18004MYXBOX

No I mean warranty in times sake… Mine is unmodded for now and I really just wanna get it fixed by MS… will they cover all RRoD returns for free?

what i’ve heard is that Microsoft has turned the warranty for the RRoD from 1-year to a 3-year warranty. so technically if your manufacturer’s date on the back of the console is still within 3 years, you should be all set and they should fix it with no charge to you (maybe shipping). thats what i’ve heard

but yea who does the MOD still?