Who said you can't wreck at auto-x

obviously a special scenario.

“On the back part of the course there is a lot of weight transfer and the sidewall on his front left tire flexed so it was under the wheel and the wheel came down and scraped the pavement and it made him flip.”




I’ve got the link to the video somewhere…

Not the same one, shitty video. Brought up because of that one though…


insurance cover that?

that is a shitty vid alright

That’s it, BMWs are banned from auto-x…


insurance does NBOT typicly cover race situations

wrecks at a circle track, road course or drag stip all get you squat, thats why people who wreck there tend to occasionaly lie about where it happened

Might as well ban Vette’s too. They like the high branches more than the tarmac. :mamoru:

Ouch, too much traction. Nothing like riding the sidewalls. :tup:


dre, i saw a few NICE 240z’s for sale in LA when i was there last week…meant to grab pics but only passed them while driving…

Was he running Michelin tires???

No silly, because they didn’t a splode from all of the heavy loading…

hehe its firestone

how fast was that bimmer goin to flip? i dont think i’ve gotten up past ~65 in any autox

you have no idea what he is talking about.