Who wants another "Make scammers life a living hell" thread?

post more info or GTFO

Ha ha I should see if I can get my hands on the mobile DMV truck that we use at the state fair. Its essentially a rolling DMV Office. We could just show up at his house with it. You know if you cant bring the d-bag to the DMV bring the DMV to the D-bag.

UPS employee you say?? hmmm

:rofl that would be perfect!

Apparantly leaving notes on his car saying that he has to get a hold of me didn’t work either.

lets kill his family. that’ll show 'em

+1 :rofl

wipe fresh dog shit under his door handles on his car… leave a full used condom under his wiper blades… fuck his gf in the ass… and THEN take him to small claims court and claim whats rightfully yours. :thumbup

This post brought to you by the people who know how to scam

and this one brought to you by someone who doesnt have a clue what the fuck hes talking about.:number1

I just go by facts. Canceled checks = facts in my book

keep living with your head up ur ass.


And then put them in chili and feed it to him.

that episode was epic haha

Originally Posted by kramerbuccs24
lets kill his family. that’ll show 'em

Freeze his family put them threw a wood chipper (no blood)in to the river the fishes will eat them no evidence.