my girlfriend wants to learn how to drive a manual since she wants to trade her car in for a Fuji blue Si.
Problem is that its hard for her to learn on mine due to solid mounts and such. Shes not bad at all tho, she doesnt burn the clutch or anything, all the times i showed her a few things she never stalled, Just lets clutch out too fast some times.
I told her just to buy the car and learn on it within a day (since every clutch is different by car) but she wont go for that, she wants to know the basics and how to start out on a hill.
So anyone want to be a teacher for a few hours? :bigok:
I would be more than happy to teach your girlfriend how to handle a stick.
and by stick, I mean my throbbing, fully erect penis.
actually, you better post pics first. :o
i frickin knew you’d be the first to post in this thread… just knew it…
im being serious tho, she wants the Si bad
and I’m being serious. Post nudes right now.
Tell her to go to a different lot to test drive one… she can get the feel of it and b urn the clutch a bit then go to the lot where she wants a non-abused one
But if she buys it, she will learn to drive it real quick. That’s how I learned…
exactly what i told her to do but its no go… she wants to be able to drive it off the lot if she gets it with no problems.
rent a car.
where in the hell can you rent a manual transmission?
I would be willing to show her but honestly NOT ON MY CIVIC and my Integra stinks along with the clutch letting out so high I just flex my toe to ingage it. —That would be useless for her to learn on…my dad taught me in his S2000 ( did the red light, green light thing till I got the hang of it ) I new all the basics just by watching him drive for so long before…its easy though.
**She would learn way quicker just buy going and buying the car she would be then forced to driving it. **
thats what i tell her to do, but she says no… she wants to be able to drive it off the lot no problem lol
get the S2000 and teach her in that i’d feel more comfortable with a girl teaching her other then someone like darkstar
unless your door swings both ways?:blue:
i;ll teach her how to use tilt wheel!
ill teach her how to place my penis in her ass.
this should have been in on topic jack ass. cause how many real answers did you get… one and it was from a chick.
not to be off topic but didn’t she just buy the car. i just wouldn’t want someone to loose there ass on a trade in
ya she did just buy it… o well its her money not mine lol
i will teach her for 50 an hour
i think thats a good deal. Because I know I would have to put up with you I am sure. hell 50 might even be a bargin!