who wants to make some money?!?!

so heres the deal…im going to jersey to look at/pick up a car and i dont have a truck and dont wanna try and drive it all the way home (in case something happens).

so im looking for someone with a truck and trailer/dolly (if not ill get one from u-haul) to go up there with me and drag this thing back with us. i will obviously pay you…figure 150 will take car of fuel and then some.

                                             TRIP DETAILS

     im looking to leave around 8 am sat morning to be there around 10:30-11:00.
figure after i see the car and decide i want it, get it loaded up and go grab some lunch
and then start heading home ward.....

well that is it so if anyone is free sat and has a truck and dolly or just truck let me know


i want to make $$ but lack a truck and trailer.

i kno there is some around here, we got a dually and trailer but the wheel bearing was so fucking bad, that i thought the damn wheel was gonna fall off today on the way back so thats out

there is people with trailers tho im sure

uhual doesnt sound so bad tho man, those dolleys cant be too much money

what this guy said

nah its like 45 bux for the dolly or 54 for a trailer…but still no truck…and deff not taking a u-haul pick up cuz they r 19.99 then 59 cents a mile and its 165.7 miles one way so it adds up to like an extra 300 bux lol

yeah how did that all go anyways…get it all loaded up allright and everything?

tow hitch + cobra = we r in business lol (not to mention it would be funny to see a mustang towing another mustang lol)

What ya get 98M3?

twin turb white 95 GT with black hood and DSM front bumper

79 mustang 2.3 turbo

I keep trying to neg you every 2 mins hoping that it will work, but it keeps letting me down

adam u have to have a truck ur cars practically a race car lol

How do you know my name?? :lol

Yeah I do, but Im gonna be in Buffalo this weekend or Id be all over it man!

And nice buy!

im sneaky like that…

Oh shizzle! Im sure Ive met ya before or somethin, just dont know the s/n.

Orrr, if your stalkin me just come in, dont be shy :lol

yeah uve met me b4…ur even my friend on face book :slight_smile:

Wtf, now Im goin nuts… lol. Who are ya?

just go look through all ur friends photos till u find the ones with the purple M3 :lol


i stand corrected i thought/was pretty sure i was ur friend on face book lol but i guess i never actually added u so please hold and i will do so now lol