who wants to make some money?!?!


I was gonna say, wtf I just looked through it and im stumped lol

trust me i know the feeling :shifty :lmao


yeah i must have never actully clicked add or something

how did this courtship end?

still looking for a truck for sat… :frowning:

i had a kid come all the way from jersey on sunday and he was trying to find the same thing but noone would do it for less then $300 for him, needless to say he wanted to drive my teggy all the way home with no brake’s… so i made him sign something stating i was not held responcible… he got about 2 blocks and got scared lol and came back… ok no moral to this story just felt the need to type it lol… good luck on the towing thing… i know someone on here that has a truck and a dollie but he’s gonna want more then $150 for the day exp cause the truck is a deisel dually hog

i can do it sunday…i have a dolly but i’d rather not use it its pretty bad…not bad for short trips but long trips are a bitch…if you wanted to get a trailer from u-haul thats fine idc…

I’d think about it but I’m working OT sat and would make way more loot

$150 - $100 (gas towing) = $50 for 10 hours of work on a weekend and 300 miles of hard use on a vehicle.

/blow up spot. Sorry.