I don’t go to ford carlisle anymore either.
Two years ago I got a “wreckless driving” ticket. It was absolute bullshit.
I’m driving a 350hp car with a fully built automatic transmission and a shift kit.
I pulled away from a light just normal throttle (not much at all), and chirped second really lightly (the car does this every fucking time no matter what).
Carlisle cop pulled me over, and demanded that I pay him a cash fine of 195 bucks or something. I told him that the car has a built transmission with a shift kit, and it chirps second sometimes. He then started threatening me with towing the car because it was unsafe if it shifts like that.
Total douchebag, and I was being cool with him.
He then went on ranting that if I was pulled over 100 feet further, it would be a school zone and the fine is 1000 bucks and a night in jail.
Its udder bullshit, I will never be back.
And the bullshit that the shitty hotels pull during show weekends is nonsense. I can’t justify paying 125 a night for a shit motel 6.
Which brings me to another story.
Cops would go to the hotel parking lots, and just look at registrations, to make sure nothing was expired. Most of us were out of state.
Then they would threaten to take people to jail for open beer containers. None of us were driving, we just were drinking outside in the parking lot.
The local carisle cops would show up, and sometimes PA troopers.
Its just getting too stupid, and this is the ford show that attracts a bit of a more mature crowd (not by much). I imagine they made the import show not fun at all.
This all stems from that one year the import show got out of hand, now they buckle down on every show.