Who you guys picking Steelers or Broncos?

I have the feeling Pittsburgh is gonna have to really switch it up this week against Denver. If Cowher comes out predictable and runs constantly I’m gonna have to go with Denver. Your thoughs?

We are due for a AFC Championship/Super Bowl Win. I think whoever came out of the Pitt/Indy game was going to be the team to win it all.

Quite frankly, I sometimes think the playoffs are sometimes rigged.

Look at the Super Bowl in 2002 (when it was in New Orleans), usually the host city will do their theme for the Super Bowl. Yet it was correctly done as “America’s Super Bowl” and look who won that game…the New England PATRIOTS.

Everything was aligned when Pittsburgh beat Indy. We are due for #5. Look at it this way, Bettis was born in DETROIT…and where is the Super Bowl??

hmmm sorta interesting…

I also think it’s quite weird that it looks like this:

Pittsburgh 11-5 (6-2 Road)
Denver 13-3 (8-0 Home)

Carolina 11-5 (6-2 Road)
Seattle 13-3 (8-0 Home)

Go :steelers:

I have the feeling Denver is gonna have to really switch it up this week against Pittsburgh. If Shanahan comes out predictable and runs constantly I’m gonna have to go with Pittsburgh. Your thoughs? :naughty:


Quite frankly, I sometimes think the playoffs are sometimes rigged.

hers why

i pick pitt.

bout sums it up, notice how long it took to view a simple catch, “with the head phones on”, anyways, pitt will have to play very mysterious against DEN, 5-10 yard screens, and switch up bettis and parker, DO NOT try to run CONSISTANT plays. D is strong enough, they stopped the best team in the league, which is now not the best anymore. Bought my Super bowl tickets today, I hope the steelers!!!


i pick the steelers!

it will be a close game though


:steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers:

i don’t care what the local news says, home field advantage does matter and in a close game late in the 4th the denver air could do in the steelers. I want the steelers to win but denver isn’t 14-3 cause they were lucky. they are tough at invesco. Should be a good game.

Steelers in a close one!


its going to be a good game, i say steelers by 3

GOOOOOOOOO STEELERS! :steelers: I’ll be at the game rooting for all of us!!! :steelers: REPRESENT!!! :steelers:

Did you get your scarf?

Steelers all the way. !!!

BoostedITR41, Cutty, mesteño, SVshine03, turboTSI1320

wtf is up with these people voting denver?

im not gonna lie denver will probably win but im trying to be optomistic

I’m just flat out nervous for this game period.

fuck all you guys