whoda thunk?

A pen went through the dryer and got ALL OVER the inside. The stuff i used thinking it would remove the writing utensil’s entrails.

1.) Industrial Strength Paint Thinner
2.) Mineral Spirits
3.) Degreaser
4.) Rubbing Alcohol

All with ZERO results.

what worked you ask? OFF Bug Spray. Yep, came off with little to no effort and only required wiping.


putting your head into a dryer full of bug spray is nausiating.


heh, no shit

What made you use bugspray?

did you dump the whole bottle in there or something? or was this right after they were washed

where’s the good writeup?!?!? you failed on this thread

i was expecting a CF extractor thingy(whatever that is) and at least a paragraph on how you came up with it and got it to work

And, no more mosquitos in your laundry. :tup:

:lolsign: +karma

hot confined space

no room to manuever

stench of bugspray

chemical fumes

What else is there to know? It’s just like any other friday night.

Exactly what I was thinking. I would have thought you would have rebuilt the dryer to a new standard.

at least could have explained how he made this happen…

as far as “discovering” OFF: i haz surched teh internetz 4 salootshunz

i need to realize I have already set higher standards for myself whenever i post anything that involves any sort of instructional data.

I am greatly sorry i have failed the community, i will “know my role” from here on.


But but at what temperature do bug spray fumes ignite? I wanted to see dryer explosion thread. :frowning:

I miss you…the “real” you :frowning:

while you’re at it, rehost teh 472 pics from your old DIYs

well considering that i have no need to look for this solution on my own i would like your procedure. I find this interesting indeed.

Little off topic but I wonder if they sell off bugspray here in the desert. There are no mosquito’s here that I’ve ever encountered so it’d be interesting to see if anyone carries it. I’m guessing they do but probably don’t sell much.


I miss you too. :frowning:




FUCK! (not a step)


I was wondering if you had to run it for a cycle! last time i suggest super horns to you jerk face :slight_smile:


the bottle was not wrinkled.